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Everything seemed so dark at the time, so rough, so cold to the core,the new brownish liquid staining my old t-shirt,

making it a nasty rusty color,I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the same old me with the light blue eyes, and

the same old blonde hair that I had continously dyed because no one seemed to like me to much as my old brunette self

but you know, I guess people tend to look back at the life when it is about to end. My life was kinda suckish any way,

I started to sway a little, back and forth, until I found myself lying on the cold floor, My visison bluring in and out

of contex,then I only thought of one thing, My one and true love, the only one who really understood me, and then I thought,

of how our relationship died when the rumors of me being with someonelse started, and that is how I find myself here lying

on the tiled bathroom floor awaiting my death as the blood pours from my gaping vains, spilling onto the already tainted floor,

and onto my now brownish white t-shirt.With only one thing on my mind as my eyes flutter shut. Zayn.

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