Cassandra Antoinette Giles is a simple 18 year old girl who lives in Orlando, Florida with her family. She knows how to sing but she thinks she's not really 'good' at it. She doesn't have that self confidence to show off her talent that's why her family was the only one who can hear her sing every single day. Cassandra is the shy type of girl that gives others the opportunity to take advantage of her. But when she started to trust you, you'll see a different person. The truth is, she really is a happy person. She loves making everyone smile. She knows how to go with the flow. She's not a shy person. But when she's in front of others, there you see the 'Cassandra' that everyone knows. This sounds real cliche but, she knows when somebody is lying, she notice every single move that you make, she knows exactly what to say to ruin your day. You don't wanna mess with her. She can turn you down whoever you are just by using her words. That's why she remain the silent person that everyone knows. Cassandra Antoinette Giles is a mysterious girl, and everybody knows that. Except for one, Riley Thomas McDonough.
What do you think about the cover on the side? Sorry. I'm not the best on editing.