The ghoul friends

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hi my name is Venus I am a ghoul and I'm a monster.. I have two friends one is Rochelle and one is toralei we live at a school were the monsters live but it's so freaky we live in a terible room it is a messy room but the another monsters have the nice and pretty room. What a horrible school we have the teacher is mean to us and the helpers are mean to us how dare they oh my god I never had a school like this one in my life ahhhhhh. Venus Venus oh it was just a dream phhhhhh.... Dah Venus you sceared us oh my god you were like ahhhhhh. Oh sorry guys but the dream sceared me doh Venus I said sorry Rochelle ok ok it's ok oh my god toralei what. I can't sleep now phhhhhh it's hot in the room I will turn on the fan ok toralei what a school oh no oh no. The the zombies. Keep the door close ok we need brain go away you can eat another brains from a diffident room go away ok bye zombies doh that was close. Yeah that was close in a night ok let's sleep ok good night guys.......................

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