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I was sitting in her office,my eyes gazing longingly at the woman behind the desk. The woman was neither showing any hint of affection nor acknowledgement but instead there was fear and anxiety which clearly masked her otherwise very beautiful face. I was now helpless,like someone who boards a bus, only to realise that he has no money to pay. My white shirt was now being slowly soaked in sweat. The sun had come up hot even though it was still early in the morning.

A loud but composed knock on the door brought me back to my senses. I went to open it and immediately a teen entered dressed in an all-black outfit. Hey listen, from his very hair up to the shoes housing his feet,it was all black except for the tanned skin which had obbs of sweat hanging upon it. "Sir may you please excuse us," the boy said in an authoritative voice that amused me. I restrained myself from laughing for it was one of the greatest jokes I had ever heard in my life. Who cares for untaught teenagers who bump into other people's areas,disrupting business and personal discussions? Maybe he has ran away from school and wants to ask for some money. Or else he....?

"Sir, you are wasting our time. I think it is now high time for you to vacate from this office or somebody might get hurt," said the teenager, advancing towards me. I  sat on the desk as a brief chill went down my spine but quickly disappeared the way it came. "Andrew please go!"  I turned and looked at the girl behind me and what I saw surprised me. Her face was now ashen with fear and was gripping the edges of the table with her hands like someone hanging on a cliff knowing that losing the handhold would spell doom. It looked as though she had been suddenly and miraculously  thrown into the fray of World War 2 or was being chased by a werewolf. I looked back at the boy. "i don't think i can do such a thing,young man regarding the fact that i am discussing very personal matters with Brenda.I think it's you who ought to excuse us"  I said coolly.

The boy was now close to me and I could feel the smell of cheap wine in his breath. Suddenly the boy grabbed me in an iron-like grip on the throat,crushing my windpipe and subsequently starving me of oxygen to the lungs. This is an animal. Oh God, I'm dying. I made frantic jabs at the boy but they all went wild as the boy ducked at the same time adding pressure to the windpipe. Finding this fruitless, I gripped the boy's hands in a bid to loosen them up from my throat but it was like loosening up a rusty bolt from an old cart's wheel. I tried to unholster my .9mm Luger but I was slowly losing strength. My grip on the boy started to dilapidate as unconsciousness dwelled upon me, Faintly I was hearing Brenda's pleading voice but could not register what she was saying. It was as if she was calling me from a deep well. "Don't kill him John," a deep bass enriched voice commanded. That's all I heard before darkness welled and engulfed me.......

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