Man, I Hate Camping!!! by jadir cadet

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" Here is the scoup I am Frank very common name i tell my parents all the time,so we went on a camping trip last week dad said " it will be fun,will get close to nature" well for all that happened to use i hope it changes is mind and lets use stay inside and play games more let me tell you the rest of the story.

'' Guys hurry up or we will be late for our camping trip" yelled dad me my brother and sisters ran down stairs my older brother complained " Do we really have to go on this camping trip dad" dad replaid " Son there nothing like getting close to natures and we are going on this camping and thats finales" my brother said "But..." , " AND THAT FINALES" my dad exclaim ,i though well thats the end of that chapter were going on this camping trip no matter what.So were at the camping grounds i wanted this camping trip to end in horror little did i know that i that would end in horror. I wish my mother was here with us she would cheers us quickly to bad she is on business trip. Now we were starting set our tent our then we heard a noise in the wood then we this half naked guy running with some bed sheets aroud saying" Run Run", then he saw us and said " Dont camp here he's coming after us" my dad thought he was crazy and i think he was too i mean he was half naked and running aroud in bed sheets yelling run.  So my dad settled the men down got him some close( my closed by the way i whose ready to kill him) but my dad settled me down also. So my dad aske then men what we had to run from and he he said in a scared voice " it was the Mao monster its said to be a monster that come from hell, i was sleeping then i saw it lungs with its claws at me but i escaped from" My brother was chattering his teeth like he just heard a scrary story pleeease this guy was just trying to scraces with story my older brother came in the tent with some fire wood and he said" yeah i just this strange noises in the woods, and who is this and iam not sharing sleeping bags with anyone if he's going stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2012 ⏰

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Man, I Hate Camping!!! by jadir cadetWhere stories live. Discover now