Among The Dark Closet.......

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"I cant wait to move into the new house!!" says jaden "ugh really?" (pov) well hey im Ariel, and guess what!?... Im moving ! yay!! *sarcasm*. Well as you can see im not THAT excited as my lil 11 year old brother jaden, Oh By the way im 14 going on 15, and my parents are dragging me away from my friends in some type of weird town. Anywho were done packing, now im saying goodbye to my beautiful teal room.(End of pov) "come on slow poke !" "Dont call me that!". Mom "come on sweetie". Ariel's (pov) while my brother kept bragging about how cool our house will look so i got bored and started putting my headphones on just listening to my favorite band "one direction!" untill we finally got to the house..OMG. (end of pov) "Eww mom, dad i think were at the wrong house" says jaden. "this was so not what i expected" *ughh*  "Lets check inside" says dad. when we go threw the front door i was in even more disgust, But  me and jaden started to roam the house until we noticed a weird door next to me and jadens room upstairs. Jaden tried to open the door but for some odd reason the door was locked "Hey dad dont you have a key for every room?" says jaden, dad came upstairs "yeah, why?" "well this door dont want to open i think its broken" "oh then i dont know the lady said the people who used to live here died a few years ago and no one knows what happend to them" "oh" says jaden.  while i was cleaning my room i was still listening to jaden's and dad's conversation, it's weird how the family that lived here,doesnt anymore. Maybe thats the reason why they sold dad this house... But theirs something weird about this house, my mom's voice interrupted my thoughts." who wants to eat pizza!?" "meee!!" says jaden running down the hall almost falling, But ive could of sworn i heard a thump in that closet next too me and jaden's room. Ariel's (POV) after we were done eating pizza and had a weird conversation about that closet, and how dad says he's going to try and open it tommorrow morning, after he drops mom to our new school to register me and jaden. Oh! i didnt tell you that me and jaden have to start our life all over with us going to a new school and meeting new friends, and yes we did move to a small town called Ginneburg. i thought it was halarious too until jaden started making compliments with it which includes me in his non-funny jokes. oh gosh  i feel so weird sleeping in this room all by myself and that creepy closet across the hall, well i need to finish unpacking tomorrow. (next morning) we all woke up by the sound of my dad yelling "i opened the door!" well ofcourse jaden is the first one to run and check it out, i just went straight to the bathroom so i could do my business. While i was walking to bathroom i sort of saw something run right infront of me..... im really getting creeped out, but its probably jaden trying to be funny AGAiN!. "nice try Jaden" i yelled down the hall but then i didnt hear anyone respone back, so i figured he and dad went to the store to buy things for the house and i have to stay home and unpack my room and other stuff before mom come's back. After i did all my girly business in the bathroom i went past the open closet then stoped because i heard an oddly weird noise coming from inside so i went down the stairs.. (POV) i never knew this was an walking closet, probably the people who lived here was rich, or whatever anyways its so dark in here how in the world did dad and jaden find their way out *BOOM!* i ran because i heard the door shut. oh gosh its so dark in here, i don't kno where im going *BOO!" "really jaden ?!", " your like so dead, right after i find my way out!". (end of POV) *little girl crying* "did you hear that?" " hear what?" says jaden "this liitle girl or baby crying?", "wow you've gone crazy haven't you?" says jaden "oh shut up". *a dark shadow runs by them in the closet* "um ok i think we both saw that" says Jaden "lets get out of here!". When we finnally found our way out, Me and Jaden made a deal not to tell mom or dad, because they would never believe us they have to see it for themselves. That night in my room Jaden was sleeping over beacuse he saw a little girl calling his name, but then we got more freaked when we say an bloody man comingout of my bathroom... Arial's (POV) I postively think that dad disturbed the peace of the closet, now all of the sprits are coming out and are bothering us, we have been here for two weeks and my parents still haven't figured out the ghost roaming in this house at night. Oh well this is not all, me and Jaden have school in the morning, dad is dropping me, Jaden, cory, and star too school. By the  way cory and star are brothers we met them the first day we moved here and till this day we became bestfriends, Cory is 4 going on 15 and he's very cute !, star is 12 going on 13 and shes adorable, i think jaden likes her (end of POV). *GET OUT OF HERE!!* , *OR YOU'LL DIE* *thump*, " arial, arial, arial wake up!" 'what jaden", " i heard somebody say get out of this house or we all will die". "really jaden just go to sleep its 3 in the morning" *GET OUT OF HERE OR YOU ALL WILL DIE!!!!!* "OMG" *swishhh* "that little girl....i saw her again she went right threw you arial" "lets get out of this room, and go to mom and dad's". While we are running to mom and dad room i hear jaden yelling behind me "LET ME GO!" *i look back and see a little girl holding on to jaden's leg*  * i run back, to help jaden* " LET GO OF MY BROTHER!" *then the little girl runs away into the closet, calling her daddy* "LET'S GO!". Jaden ran inside of the room, with me behind him, dad ran toward us " what are you guys doing in here?, why are you yelling?, and who were you guys talking to?" me and jaden were so scared we strated rambling words together. "omgdadtheclosetyouopenedisfullofgohostmeandjadenth- "whoa,slow down there, breath in and out" *inhale,exhale* "ok continue" , " dad we want to move ot, if we don't we'll die, this is no joke." "why do you want to move out?", " because this house is haunted, i know you and mom wont believe us but this been going on for a while now and its going a little to far" "OK enough with the jokes, you guys will sleep in here tonight". During the rest of the night there was no sign of creepy noises or weird shadows roaming around the walls or hallways. Arials (POV) Me and jaden got ready for school,but dad couldnt drop us off so we walked, me and jaden told cory and star about lastnight. They were really shocked beacuse they didn't say a word until we got to the front of the school. It was a very long day now me and jaden are waiting for dad to pick us up in the front of the school, during the car ride dad says he has good news. "i cant wait to hear it!" says jaden, but i didn't get to hear the rest of the conversation because i zooned everyone out. When we got home dad, mom, jaden,and me were  siting in the living room well hear goes nothing. (end of Pov) " kIds.....your mom is pregnant" *Dad laughs* Jaden "What !" Me "OMG ". After, dinner that night me and jaden asked mom and dad if we can sleep in their room tonight..again, they agreed. During the night something woke all of us up.. It was mom screaming we ran to  the bed while dad is rubbing her back, asking her what happned?, she said she saw something and heard someone whisper in her that they will kill us and the BABY if we dont get out of the house. Now my dad was very concerned in what to do, so we took the bible, matches and candles and started praying but we stoped once we noticed chaos in the house, the sprits are getting very mad.The little girl grabbed jaden by the leg, AGAIN, while mom is yelling for help and trying to protect the baby, I ran threw the mystery night to knock on cory and star door to ask for help, their parents, cory and star all came to help but the ghosts and sprits got even more furious, they started throwing everything in the house. The little girl was going to stab jaden in the heart but cory ran and knocked jaden over and got stabed instead, But got up in time to help me from the bloody man that; stryin gto choke me to death. That night was chaos, we called for more help so these ghosts could disappear and never come back!. "ariel watch out!!" *AHHHHH* "ARIELLLLLLLLLLL" yelled jaden but all i remember is me being blacked out and everything went blurr....The questions roaming in my head before i die, is if the baby is ok?, Is jaden ok?, is mom Ok ?, is Dad ok? Is cory and star ok? and who are those ghost's that wanted us to leave this house so bad. Everything is all just one BIG MYSTERY of the Dark closet.

-Tanisha Pasterin 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2012 ⏰

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