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She had no idea what was happening. It was like her body wasn't her own. Like there was something controlling her every move. "She stays with me," the ice dragon hissed.
"No, you can't have her. She isn't your property," one of the black dragons answered. In the background, she saw two other dragons. A black one and a greenish one. "She's coming with me," the ice dragon said again.
"Look at her, she doesn't want this," the bigger black dragon said.
"She wants to. Right? She's going to the Ice Kingdom and she's going to marry a prince and have dragonets," the ice dragon growled. He looked at her expectantly.
"That's right, I'm going to marry a prince and have lots of Icewing babies," she said. Wait, that's not what she wanted to say. She wanted to tell the black dragon in front, the one who was talking to the ice dragon that his only hope had disappeared. She wanted to tell him that the warmth had gone. That he was only cold inside. She still loved him right? Yes, she did, but he was cold. Cold like an ice dragon. "Come on, let her make her own decision," the black dragon told the ice dragon. Lowering his voice to a whisper, he added. "Come home, I miss you."
"She wants to come with me!" The ice dragon roared. 
"You have her under a spell," the black dragon replied.
"No I don't! She wants to come with me willingly, right?"
She nodded.
The black dragon took out a scroll, he must've written something on it that made the ice dragon obey him, a shape or sound perhaps because what happened next was horrific.
"Take off whatever spell you have on her, now."
The ice dragon took off a seashell pendant from around her neck and smashed it. Without the necklace, she felt better, like herself.
"Stop talking," the black dragon hissed. The ice dragon closed his snout, he was maybe trying to do something, be chaos from the savior maybe?
"Let me take her home." 
The ice dragon released her and the black dragon grabbed her wrist. 
"You're coming home Whiteout, it's okay," the black dragon, Darkstalker whispered.
In all the flurry of events, Whiteout couldn't tell Darkstalker what she felt inside him. 
She couldn't tell him that he was cold. Colder than an ice block. Colder than his father.

She couldn't tell him that his hope was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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