
625 17 46

You love them!
i know you do! ✧

Rule number one - You can tag me every three hours and if I don't respond you can tag me again after a day. If i stop replying all together it's either you've broken a rule or I'm not interested. If I'm not interested then try and spice it up a bit ✧

Rule number two - Please do role play with me girls. I would appreciate that a lot. If you could make a girl and a boy that would be good but if you're making a girl to use with my girl just say and you don't have to make a boy. Thank you! ✧ { also if you haven't noticed any kind of gender or sexuality is welcome! rainbows everywhere! }

Rule number three - To the mother of god please be descriptive! I understand maybe you don't have time to write massive paragraphs but please tell me when you're going to stop being descriptive or when you can't be despricptive as you've got school or something. ✧

Rule number four - If you tag me your OC then please do fill in the important things if you dont originally. I can't see links in comments so please pm me! ✧

Rule number five - For the password tag two active role players ✧

Roleplay with my ocs Where stories live. Discover now