1- Keith to Torru: A change of a life time.

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Thursday 25th July 2019
Keith looked up at the fan on the ceiling. A bead of sweat rolled down his porcelain-doll face. His hazel eyes with flecks of green continued to stare intensely at the fan. He sat up, another bead of sweat rolling down his button nose. His plump lips were curved downward into a frown. It was too hot.

England was reaching record temperatures for its summer, upwards of 38 degrees celcius. That was over 100 farenhiet. Too hot.

Keith got up from his bed and woefully changed from a baggy button-up shirt to a tight fitting strappy top. He thought to himself, 'why haven't I thrown out all of my old clothes yet?' He looked at himself in the mirror disaprovingly.
"Well it's either this or die of heat stroke" he muttered to himself. He had cut his hair to look anymdronomous, however his curves stuck out like a sore thumb. It was obvious he's female.
Just then his mum called up the stairs, "Keith, it's time to head out!"

Keith considered himself lucky. His mum was very accepting of the fact that he's transgender, eventhough the rest of the familly on her side, accept for his aunt, were all increadablly opposed to it. He had other friends who are trangender who's parents wouldn't accept them. In this regard he was very lucky.

Keith walked down the stairs very slowly, so as to delay them going out. Anything to avoid going out side dressed the way he was. His mum noticed this and hurried him up, while juggling Annalise and Marcco. Keith was always amazed at how capable his mum was.  And just like that they all headed out to the park.

At the park Keith noticed some people from his school. His school had long broken up for the summer holidays, and so seeing them like this was almost a given. But he was still suprised. He looked to see who was there. Antoni, Mable, Stan, Marcco (a different one) and, oh god no, Ethan.

Ethan and Keith had history, back when Keith was Poppy. Even now Ethen still called Keith by his dead name.

He started to walk in the other direction when Mable called out his name.
"Keith, hey! Why don't you come hang with us?" She chimed. Out of poiteness, Keith went and sat down next to her. On the opposite side to Ethan.
"Hey guys" he croaked. He hated how femanine his voice was. Marcco offered Keith some of his Red Bull, but Keith politely declined. Marcco then continued " So we're playing truth or dare. Wanna play?" Keith oppened his mouth to respond but then Annalise called him over.
'Saved by the bell!' He thought.
"Sorry guys, little sister's calling me over, got to go. See you guys around." He said a little rushed. I then got up and went to see what was going on.
When he got to his mum, Marcco (my little brother), and Annalise, he saw four other figures he didn't imediately recognise with them. The he realized who they were.
He went speeding towards the third tallest one and shouted with glee "Auntie Simona!" They hugged each other very briefly then Simona pulled Keith off of he by the shoulders.
"Look at how grown up you've become! Gosh you taller than me! I hope you can teach these three some manners like last time." She chimmed.

Simona wasn't really their aunt but a long time friend of their mums, who lived in france. They hadn't seen each other in ages, which is why this reunion was so special.

Keith looked over at Simona's children Benjimine, Taiga, and Will. 'Benjimine looks as hot as ever...' he thought to himself 'but no matter how you look at it Taiga was unlucky when it came to the gene pool. Will is going to be a right looker when he grows up though!' He politely noded his head and said a brief hello to them. Will came over and hugged Keith. He was only 7, bless him. Keith said in a joking tone well aren't you a lady charmer. They didn't know that he was transitioning yet.

At that moment Mable's gang walked by.
"Oh hai... again. Who's this adorable little thing?" She asked. I replied " This adorable little thing is Will. He's th son of a familly friend who came to visit today." Will hugged me even tighter when she came closer. Just then,  Antoni call Mable over.
"Sorry, got to go. Bye!" She said in her ususual cheery voice. As she walked away, Keith could see the scars on her arms. They displayed a past of a downward spiral.

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