escape from the full moon's glare

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Okay, now. Don't open your eyes until I say you can. Don't be foolish, I'm not leading you to a trap. I got no time for that. Mm, yeah, that's right. Take my hand now; we must go before he notices.

Hm? Don't ask such pointless questions. It's irrelevant for you to know why you must close your eyes. What, do you want me to gorge them out instead? Do you think it makes any difference for me? Yeah yeah, I know. So stop asking stupid questions and let's go.

'Why are we here?' Hm. I suppose you deserve an answer to that, after the mess it was to bring you here. You must be confused. That's fair. Allow me to begin.

Anarchy-despite all ideologies humans might have, this is nothing but a pretty word for 'chaos'. Now, as much as I love it and thrive on it, even I admit a purely chaotic world wouldn't work. Soon enough it would break apart and nothing would remain. And so is with order. Every step of yours being monitored, breathe once in a undesirable way and you're done for-you are dead for all and your existence doesn't matter.

Because, you see, balance is necessary. Therefore, everyone was given free will, yet there are rules established to avoid utter chaos. In society and in magic.

-And even in beings who weren't meant to exist in the first place.

Ah, I guess I caught your attention. You know about it, correct? How irregulars work? He told you about them. You'll understand why this matters.

It's actually funny how the Gods desperately attempted to make rules for irregulars. Since they make the pre-established rules void, they had to create new ones to stop them from being chaotic beings. It's hilarious. Gods really need to be in control of everything, right? Otherwise, they would be no better than humans.

So, they divided them. Split them up. Creation and destruction. Twins of blonde hair and blue eyes. Only together could they perform a powerful spell called re_birthday, destroying this rotting world to create another. But understand that beings whose very essence break rules are meant to make even the rules established for themselves void.

That's where I enter.

You already know why. I was born without a twin, a counterpart with whom the powers could be split between us. I hold creation and destruction in my hands. Unfortunately, such an incredible ability was also bound to be unstable. I laugh at the Gods for their failed attempt to stop things such as me from being born; I am mocking them with every breath I take. It's very satisfying.

'What do you have to do with this?' Are you this oblivious? Mm, I guess he didn't tell you everything. That's why I hate him so much; he's always lying to others. Omitting truths. Distorting reality. And why? To make his fucking ambitions true. I find this sickening, even though I might be a hypocrite for not telling you everything right away. I only want you to understand my point.

...Where was I? Oh right. He brought you back for a reason. Your original purpose was fulfilled. Now, you are what he planned from the very beginning-and what I yearned for since I have learned about myself. ...Ah yes, you are correct. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. The headaches are common and you'll learn how to ignore them. I'm sorry in advance for the coldness, though. Creation was... more unstable than destruction. I'm not sure why, but I'll help you if it becomes unbearable.

Ugh, I thought I told you to stop asking stupid questions! You don't have to know why you must keep your eyes closed!

...! Oh, of course you opened them. Bitch. Yeah yeah, go ahead and throw up somewhere. Anywhere, I don't care. Just not on my feet, okay? I don't even know why you're so sensitive to this, now. Is it creation affecting you? It must be it. Whatever.

Come on, Irina. Stop wasting my time and let's leave this laboratory before Seth comes back. You don't want to see him when he's angry.

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