You watch a scary movie together

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Harry: Harry chuckled as you watched the movie. You'd been seemingly unfazed by the movie you were watching, a haunted house, demons, and ghosts but inside you were screaming and wishing it would only end. Nothing ever got by Harry, his hand moving to the left side of your chest. "Your heart's racing." He looked down, finding you adorable when you were scared of a simple movie. "I think I know how to calm you down." He leaned over a little, pressing his lips to yours until they parted, distracting you for a few minutes. You returned to the movie but every time he realized you were afraid he would know exactly how to take your mind off of it, a small kiss the key to your ease.

Louis: You and Louis loved to watch horror movies together. You'd curl up on the couch, both of you on the edge of your seats. Your hands would both be caught in a bowl of popcorn, moving back and forth to your mouths. You were both scared out your wits but you couldn't take your eyes off the screen, screaming every time something jumped out at you and when someone was killed. Still a good horror film was you addiction, no matter how scared you both were when you went to sleep that night.

Niall: Your first date and you were going to see a scary movie. Sure, you acted as though it was no big deal when Niall asked but now, you weren't so sure. You tried to keep your breathing under control, calming your heart rate as it got closer and closer to the showing. "I can't do this." You muttered as soon as it came in, a disclaimer stating that the movie was based off of true events. Just those words had you gripping onto Niall's arm, your head buried into his shoulder, a perfect date for him as you were right in his arms.

Liam: You adored watching scary movies. Liam, not so much. You'd had to do some convincing to get him to come see the latest horror film with you, Liam agreeing simply from wanting to seem tough and manly, as though nothing could frighten him. You couldn't help but giggle as he put on his big boy face, taking a seat next to you. Throughout the movie you could feel the tight squeeze on your hand, his eyes barely opened as he watched, terrified. "Thanks for coming with me Liam." You kissed his cheek when it was all over, making him feel a little better, but not comforted enough obviously as when you arrived home, he checked under every bed and in all the closets, making sure no part of the movie had made its way into your home.

Zayn: It was rare that you and Zayn would watch a scary movie together but with nothing on TV, you settled for renting the latest horror film. You snuggled into the couch with him, wrapped in a blanket. As soon as the movie came in you pulled the covers up a little, covering half of your face. "You're not scared already are you?" Zayn giggled as you tucked yourself in even tighter beside him. In the next two hours you found yourself screaming a little, tucking your face further and further under the covers as the movie went on, Zayn keeping control of the fear he felt even from a movie, other than the few times you would feel his body twitch as he jumped.

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