Chapter 1

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" I Fiona take you Fred to be my lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"You may now kiss the bride"


5 months later. Fiona and her daughter are packing up to head to their cottage for the next two months. Fiona thought it would be an excellent idea to bring their new family together. Since she's newlywed it's important her daughter Bethany gets to know her husband and his son.

After 4 hours on the road, they finally make it to their final destination. Bethany hops out of the stuffy car and stretches towards the sky.

"Ahh, it feels good to be back."

They both walk to the trunk and gather their luggage then hall it into the massive cottage. Once they're are finally settled they wait for Fred and his son to arrive. Fiona anxiously paces back and forth staring outside the large window waiting.

"Mommy calm down they'll be here soon." Fiona turns around biting her fingernails to the nub.

"I know they're coming it's just that I'm married now and we've got a whole new life with Fred moving in and his son coming back from boarding school... It's all just overwhelming." 

Bethany let out a sigh and plopped down on the couch and turned on the tv. About 1 hour later a black van pulls up in their driveway. Fiona notices and quickly rushes out the door to greet them. Bethany hovers in the doorway watching as she showers Fred in hugs and kisses. Bethany has met Fred a bunch of times and is on good terms with him, however, Fred's son is an unknown character to her. She didn't know he had a son up until a week ago when her mother and he were discussing the trip and how his son will be staying the summer. Fiona walks in with two large duffle bags struggling as she drags them over the marble floors and heaves them onto the table. Bethany cringes from watching her mom struggle and walks over to help. 

"What can I do to make this easier for you," Bethany says. Fiona doesn't reply but just points towards the van signalling to help Fred's son with his luggage.

Bethany slowly strolls outside into the summer heat. It's mid-July and yet the temperature is a   mind-melting 34 C (93 F). The sun's unforgiving rays blind Bethany causing her to shield her eyes. She mumbles that she should've worn her sunglasses. None the less she walks over to the van and roughly tugs out a heavy black suitcase. When It drops to the ground a muffled voice from inside the van can be heard and grows more clear as the mystery boy approaches her.

"Eh be careful with that there's important stuff in there." Standing in front of her is a very handsome boy. His eyes are gray as silver and his skin is ivory white skin contrasts well with his raven black hair. Dark thick eyebrows frame his face which only compliments his jawline. Bethany stands there in awe as she has never seen someone so handsome before in her life. The boy merely huffs and grabs the suitcase out of her hands, then walks into the cottage. Bethany stands there stunned not knowing what to do. The Cicadas loudly cry out. The sun thumps against Bethany's head signalling her to go back in, she grabs the rest of the luggage and brings it into the house.

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