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Stiles tapped his fingers on his thigh as his dad, Noah, drove to the Vet. Neither of them had an animal to take to the vet, but Stiles wanted to look at them—well, feel them.

Stiles suddenly jumped, along with Noah's cruiser. Stiles shot his head towards his father, grabbing his father's bicep.

"Dad, what was that?! What'd you run over?!" Stiles couldn't exactly see what had run in front of the car causing it to be run over.

"A wolf? Maybe a coyote. It ran off before I could take a good look at it. It was black and fluffy though." Noah always described what animals and objects looked like for his only son. It was a nice gesture, even though he was eighteen.

Noah continued to drive to the vet's as Stiles spoke, "You need to be more careful of your surroundings, Dad. You're the sheriff for police sakes!"

Noah sighed and shook his head as his left hand let go of the steering wheel and wrapped around his son's wrist that was on his bicep, then moved it back to Stiles's lap.

"Stiles, it's okay. I don't even think he was hurt that badly. I probably just ran over his paw."

"Still!—" Stiles flails his arms up, hitting his right hand on the window. "Ouch!" He cradled his hand in his other one and shifted his feet awkwardly.

"Be careful." The sheriff glanced at his son and then back at the road.

Stiles scoffed, "You should be too."

Noah sighed once more and continued driving. It took a few minutes till they were parked outside the vet, where Stiles' best friend, Scott McCall, worked. Stiles felt the car halt to a stop, signaling that he could open his door, which Stiles did. He grabbed his folded cane and flicked it open, hitting the concrete parking lot outside the building. He carefully stepped out of the cruiser and adjusted his sunglasses when his feet touched the ground.

Noah got out quickly, locking his car, then walked around the front of the car and to Stiles. Stiles reached out and grabbed his father's arm, hooking them together. As they walked towards the front door to the building, Stiles swung his cane back and forth making sure that there was nothing in his way as he walked.

Stiles's father opened the door, which ringed telling the vet that someone was there. Stiles walked in first then waited by the door, hearing footsteps walking closer.

"Stiles. Noah. Nice to see you two. I'm guessing, Stiles, that you want to see more certified service dogs?" Deaton, the vet, stated.

"How'd you know? It's not like I come in here twice a week to see dogs!" Stiles laughed at his sarcasm and started moving towards the back of the veterinarian's office.

A whine was suppressed when Stiles was in the doorway. It wasn't human, but a dog—no, a wolf.

Deaton scooted past Stiles and stood next to the metal table that a hurt black wolf laid. The wolf growled when Stiles was followed by his father. Stiles was frighted a bit when he heard the growl.

"That's the wolf I ran over on the way here," Noah mumbled not so quietly.

Deaton started petting the hurt wolf softly and cautiously, not wanting to make it angry. "No wonder he growled at you. He must remember."

Stiles huffed at his father and crossed his arms. "He's hurt because of you, Dad! Say sorry."

"It's just an animal, Stiles," Noah argued back at his son. He knew that Stiles would easily win this argument, but he just wanted to win this time.

"Animal or not, say sorry!" Stiles picked up his cane and folded it up. He passed it to his other hand as he walked up to the table.

The wolf wasn't reacting badly to Stiles. He wasn't really reacting at all, just laying there. Deaton helped Stiles put out a hand in front of the wolf's snout. Stiles giggled softly when he felt the wolf's hot breath on his hand. The wolf reacted by nuzzling his wet black nose into Stiles' hand. Stiles giggled again, a bit louder this time. The wolf seemed to enjoy his laughter since it huffed happily into Stiles' palm. Stiles laughed once again once the wolf licked his hand.

"I want to keep him, but he's wild," Stiles stated sadly, now petting the happy wolf.

Deaton ran his fingers through the wolf's fur before it growled at him. "I've known him for a while. You can keep him if Noah says you can. He's certified."

"I thought he was a wolf though?" Stiles kept looking at the wolf, petting it softly. The wolf seemed to enjoy his presence.

"He is, but he's nice. He won't hurt you." As soon as Deaton said that, the wolf growled and started sitting up with a wince.

Stiles stepped back, feeling that the wolf was moving. The wolf whined and hopped off the metal table, stepping on Stiles' foot. Stiles jumped back and fell into a tray of utensils, making them fall onto him.

Stiles yelped in pain, rubbing his arm that had a cut on it from a scalpel, it was bleeding under his hand. Rubbing the cut was not helping. The wolf howled in pain like he was the one in pain, not Stiles, but maybe that's just a special thing about the wolf; replaying emotions or something like that. Noah and Deaton rushed over to a now crying Stiles while the wolf backed away to a corner. He could smell the sad aroma flying around Stiles. The wolf whimpered and whined sadly.

"H-Hey, Wolfie, I'm okay, it's not your fault." Stiles tried to cheer up the wolf, but it didn't work.

Deaton walked over to where the wolf was, crouching down, he very quietly whispered to it, "Derek, it's okay. It's just a cut. I know you didn't mean too." He then got up and grabbed gauze and bandages. Walking back to Stiles. The wolf, other known as Derek, slowly and silently padded his way out of the corner.

Deaton started cleaning and wrapping Stiles' arm, causing Stiles to hiss in pain. Derek growled at Deaton and ran over to Stiles. Deaton then looked straight into Derek's red eyes. It looked like they were communicating even without talking, or in Derek's case, growling and howling.

Noah looked confused at the two then looked back at Stiles. "Son, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little cut, nothing I haven't experienced before." Stiles chuckled at the end and reached his hand out to the wolf, well, Derek.

Derek nods at Deaton before laying down next to Stiles, laying his head on Stiles' thigh, whimpering a little. Stiles started petting Derek's head, scratching behind his ears. Derek purred at the affection and closed his red eyes, relaxing in Stiles' lap.

"Aw, Wolfie, I'm okay. Look." Stiles put his bandaged arm next to Derek's snout. "I'm all bandaged up. I feel like I'm healing already. Don't be sad, Wolfie."

The wolf nudged Stiles' hand, telling Stiles to keep petting him. Stiles obliged and petted Derek with a smile on his face.

"So, Dad..."

Before Stiles could finish his sentence, Noah replied, "Yes, Stiles, you can keep him." The sheriff sighed.

"Really!?" Stiles smiled radiated. "I love you, Dad!" He reached out to hug his father, which was a completely different direction from where Noah was. Noah chuckled softly and pulled Stiles in for a hug on the floor.

"So, I can keep him, Dad?" Stiles asked for probably the hundredth time that hour.

"Yes, you can keep him. But be careful, he's still a wild animal." Noah replied to his one and only son.

Stiles celebrated silently in his head since he usually didn't celebrate out loud. He smiled and reached out for Derek. Derek nudged Stiles' hand making sure Stiles knew he was next to him.

Stiles smiled more and started petting Derek again. "Good, you're still here. I can't have you running off since you're going to be my new service dog." He was very happy that he had a new service dog. His old one before wasn't very nice to him, or anyone in that matter.

Derek rumbled happily while being pet by Stiles. Stiles' nimble, skinny fingers sifted through easily when passing through his black, soft, but rough fur.

"Let's take him home right now!" Stiles practically screamed at his father.

Noah hung his head, shaking it, chuckling. "Okay, okay, we can take him home." He smiled happily at his son.

Stiles got up off the floor with some help from Derek and his father then flicked out his cane and waved Deaton 'goodbye' as he walked out of the clinic and out to his father's cruiser with Derek by his side, his father following behind. 

Well, this is the start of a new life with a new dog...eh...wolf.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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