I was broken
But so were you
And when you fixed me
I tried to fix you too
But you'd rather step on broken glass
Then let me glue you back together
Your bleeding cuts and broken heart
Important seeming, though only a tether
To make sure you kept your promise
To the girl who lived in the grave
Though she was long gone
The pain she'd caused hadn't been waived
The imprint of her laughter
In your mind remained
Her ghost haunted you every night
Your dreams made you insane
Her beauty had once charmed you
Now it tortured your soul
Her face, once elegant
Now took its toll
The pain she caused was not unnoticed
But for her mistake, you paid the price
The universe craved balance
You were the needed device
For her you would give your life
She didn't see it that way
Her eyes were black, and yours gold
No wonder she didn't stay
You were the good one
And she had always craved the damned
But she fell for your illusion
The mask over the man
She never loved you
It was your facade
You were Prince Charming
But her judgement was flawed
Beyond the masquerade
She never looked
You were decided at first sight
As the bad boy she had hooked
Miss Popular may have been blind
But I could always see goodness
To you I was invisible
You didn't see the girl, but the family's mess
The only one who wasn't beautiful
Instead all she had was brains
But what was her mind
To beauty pageant campaigns
They all had dresses and tiaras
All I had were academic trophies
I thought they would impress you
But you I could not please
What was smarts to pretty
Especially when you had her
Even when she died
You were her pearl
Made to wear
But never to speak
How could you find a voice
When she was bottom and peak
We could have been partners
You could have avoided the twister
We could have been equals
Instead you chose my sister