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He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw her standing there. Matt didn't even remember what he'd been doing before he saw her, he was walking near the library, but the only reason he knew that was because she was in the library. When it happened, it almost felt like the world had stopped. Matt's breath had come to a halt, and he could feel a certain heat come and wrap itself around his neck. There was no way, he'd thought to himself, she'd left years ago. It wasn't until he felt himself walking towards the library that he realized it might just be someone who loomed like (Y/n). He, as he was sliding through the glass doors of the book haven, immediately knew he was wrong. The girl was flipping through an old looking Naruto manga, something he knew that (Y/n) enjoyed. When they were younger (Y/n) had tried to get him into the whole anime and manga thing, but he never seemed to stick with it. Which was completely fine with her because her main anime buddy was Kuro anyway. Matt walked up to her, tapping her on the shoulder. When she turned around and their eyes met, she must have realized who he was as well, because she dropped the Naruto manga and threw herself at Matt. Now normally, Matt wasn't one for hugging and such, but he could make an exception. He had forgotten after all those years how nice her before unwanted hugs felt.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Matt questions, still very much holding onto his old best friend. She lets out a nervous laugh, patting Matt's back. "I moved back just today! Mom and Dad got a divorce and I guess he must have read my mind. After the whole thing was finished he decided to move back here!"

Hearing that was great, honestly. Matt was worried she was just visiting or something. He then realized something very important.

"What high school are you going to?" Matt asked, looking a bit nervous. If anyone he knew walked by and saw him, they may have started laughing. The truth was, he felt horribly worried. He didn't feel like losing his best friend again. "Matt... there's only one high school in the area. Are you forgetting how small this town is?"

He felt a bit stupid, but hey, at least he knew he'd be seeing her almost everyday.

He hated to ask, but Matt knew Oliver would probably do it anyway.

"How about you and your old man come over for dinner?" Matt starts to rub the back of his neck, looking a bit embarrassed as his pale cheeks go a little pink. "Y'know Oliver is gonna ask anyway, so I'm doing it now." Matt finishes, not daring to look at her with a straight face. She's quiet, before letting out a cute laugh. "Of course, do you even have to ask?"

Matt smiles.


When he went home and told Oliver who was coming over for dinner, the Brit almost fainted. He couldn't believe what Matt was telling him!

"You, you mean (Y/n), the girl who moved away years ago?" Oliver had asked, looking utterly shocked. Matt nodded his head, looking a bit flustered. Oliver nearly screamed, looking horribly excited. He hadn't seen that sweet girl in years!

"So she's back?" Oliver questions, holing onto the counter, trying to keep his balance.

Matt had been so lonely ever since she moved away years ago. By now he guessed she was probablya round seventeen or sixteen, but that didn't change anything! She was back, and now Matt had someone he could talk to!

Oliver smiles, tapping his fingers on the counter slightly.

"Well then, I'll get dinner started!"

{I mean, who wouldn't want 2p! Canada as a best friend???}

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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