1. Who's there?

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"Meredith noticed my eyes yesterday...again, and the bad thing is that every time I don't realize it in time to cover them or think about a good excuse, because I'm to busy to be angry and to think about her as food to feed myself...I also started to drooling! This is simply embarrassing!
I don't know how to continue, my life is ruined and I don't even know the reason. I don't know why I'm abnormal, like a monster...all I know is that I need help. A huge help to repair my huge problem."

I write down on my diary so concentrated ad fast that I didn't realize a tear was gliding down my cheek.
I stand up quickly as the door of my room opens showing my brother a little bit angry.
<Clary I'm calling you for at least 1 hour!!> he says pointing me.

Immediately the smell of his blood reach my nose causing me a shiver.
<uh sorry I was busy and I didn't hear you> I dry my tear on my T-shirt.
<okay don't worry, Meredith is waiting for you downstairs>
<uhm okay> I put down my secret diary and walking passed Michael fast to feel less perfume of meat and blood, but it doesn't work...when I'm near young people that always do me the same effects.

I predict a hard time with my best friend!
I shut the main door behind me and after a second Meredith was hugging me tightly.
I do must control my instinct.
Okay Clary breath, it's all okay, you can do it, think about something bad.
I try to follow my own advices, but the truth is that I'm changing, and I can do nothing to stop these terrible events.
Oh fuck I'm drooling.
<hey you're strangling me> I say hoping she would let me go.
<sorry Cla, I'm too glad to see you> she says finally a little more far from my nose.
<oh what happens?> I ask curios.
<I have a surprise for you!!> she giggle.
<oh you know I don't like them> I pant.
<but this is a beautiful surprise and you can't deny> she continues.
<okay tell me what are you talking about>
<are you ready?> she asks.
<yes I think>
<are you sure you can take it?>
<I can't know it until you won't tell me what is that surprise> I says impatient.
<oh you're right ahahah...okay so...I organized a hang out with your dreamy boy TYLERR> she screams.
I am shocked.
The boy I loved for almost 10 years agreed to go out with me.
I'm so much happy that I don't even think about my best friend as something to eat for a couple of seconds.
But no...
I can't...
A whole evening in company with a person.
I can't resist.
More I go on, things get worse.
It's a tragedy.
A can't put in danger the love of my life!!
<I can't> a say sadly.
<Cla you're stupid? This has been your dream for your whole life!!> she realizes.
<I know but really but is not the case to do that>
<what's the problem?> she says worried.
<there are no problems, just that...uhm...it's better to do nothing for now, you know, I'm so embarrassing when I'm near a beautiful guy> I swallow heavily.
<something's up...Clary what's wrong, you're lying!!> she snort.
<I'm not ly-...>
<I know you, and I know that when you're inventing an excuse you always swallow> she says seriously.
<you're wrong, I just don't want to do that!>
<when you do you you started to have secrets with me, with your best friend that is always her to listen to you>
<i haven't any secrets> I'm sweating.
<okay then...call me when my best friend is back> she go away sadly.
Oh fuck.
Why everything is so difficult!
I'm hungry, I have to unload!! I need to punch something.
A feel something on my hand, a transformation.
I don't even want to see what's happening, I can't take it anymore, I'm tired of all.
I cover my face full of tears with my creepy hands and start to run to my house.
I open the door with the key and go upstairs really fast.
When I'm in my room I collapse down with my back into the door without even turn the light on.
I don't want to continuò my life like this.
I have to stop all of that whatever it is.
I need my diary.
I start searching touching the ground to find it but something suddenly attract all my attention.
<were you looking for that?> asks a person.
I can't see his face cause all is dark.
But all I know is that he has my diary, and is a stranger in my room...so it's a little bit strange and scared!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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