'i caught you'

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Alexia sat there agian, watching them,the witches' she was oddly attracted to this sort of magic.She watched them make potions in the park, to putting them in mailboxes.They never put a potion in alexias mailbox, she was confused about it, wondering why not. She felt the urge to leave the bed and go to them, she resisted the urge to go.She closed the curtain and went onto her side.She began to try to sleep but couldn't, she soon enough heard a u known voice call out. 'alexiaaa,, come' ,, she sat up opening the curtain to see no one there all the witches gone. " What the? i swear i just heard someone there" she closed and turned around, she saw the witches standing over her as she started to freak out as the covered her mouth. b o o m

~time skip to a morning~

Alexia woke up in a puddle of sweat. she arose from bed going to the kitchen,, she found her mom in there cooking.Alexia soon sat down across from her mom looking at her, " what's up? you seem a little on edge lexi"said her mom putting water in front of her. "i saw something last night,not a ghost.. she seemed like a human, but.. different". Alexia blinked away tears afraid of what had happened to her the night before just wanting to know how they got in. " nightmare probably, it was most likely nothing lexi." her mom said not wanting to ask anything of it as she walked away. "but it was a witch, i believe mom!" she yelled to her mom wanting to talk about it. " a what? " her mom said turning around " a witch ? do you know what your talking about alexia?". alexia grew angry cause she knew her own mother didn't believe her, " you don't believe me? mom i know what i saw!" alexia yelled standing up pushing the water glass as it broke into a million small pieces onto the hard wooden floor " Alexia! what has gotten into you!?" her mom shouted at her, alexia felt a urger to hurt someone something as she pushed her mom out of her way to go to her room. " GET BACK HERE ALEXIA!" her mom loudly yelled. Her mom ran up to alexias room opening her door. " i know damn well you didn't push me into a wall and break a glass! your grounded!" her mom yelled, " no! you need to listen to me!" she yelled standing up. her mom caved agreeing to listen as she told ner mom about the witches and everything. " cold hard proof is what i need alexia! but currently your grounded for a couple of months" she said leaving alexia in her room standing there calmed down, "fine! you want proof you'll get proof" alexia said shutting her door and sleeping her day away.

~time skip to the night~

Alexia sat there on her bed not noticeing that the witching hour has started, she opened her blinds seeing no witches,she didn't move she just turned over getting her camera without moving her head from the window as she turned around quickly snapping a picture yelling " i caught you!" then she felt something start to choke as alexia fell to the floor falling on her arm as she felt someone kick it then a snap, she felt her arm have a jolt of pain rush there her as she yelled for her mom holding her arm as her mom came picking her up then taking her straight to the E.R

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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