1. Dinner on the roof tops

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Cat and I have been very tired after fighting an akuma around 30 minutes ago. You may be wondering why i'm still ladybug after an akuma attack around half an hour ago.. well thats because Cat Noir asked me out on a date, and for some reason i agreed. I mean i love Adrien so why did i agree to go on a date?

Ladybug: "So... Cat, where are we going?"
Cat Noir: "It's a surprise"
Well.. at this point i was kinda scared not gonna lie. To be completely honest I never went on a date before so i was really nervous, like SUPER nervous.
Ladybug: "Umm... Cat i'm kinda scared.. of where you're taking me." I said scared.

Cat Noir: "Awww don't be scared Bugaboo, trust me everything will be ok."
Ladybug: "Are you sure?" I said blushing.
Cat Noir: "Ladybug.. would i lie to you?"
"H-he winked at me.. ummm does that mean i can trust him? Wait of course i can trust Cat Noir he has been fighting by my side for 2 years now! I can definitely trust him, he is my Kitty in shining black leather after all." I tought to myself.

Ladybug: "I trust you kitty" i said confidently.
Cat Noir:"Good. Ok we're here." He said after some time.

We ended up on a rooftop right under the Eiffel Tower. It was late, like 10PM so the view was beautiful especially under the night sky. The Eiffel Tower was lit up too so that made the view even more spectacular.

Ladybug: " OMG! Cat this is so so soo beautiful!"
Cat Noir: "You like it?" He said with a smirk on his face.
Ladybug: "No. I don't like it.. I LOVE it!"
He blushed and so did I.
Ladybug: "Awww Cat, are you blushing?"
Cat Noir: "Umm.. No i'm not! Why are you blushing then hmmm?"
Ladybug: "Ummm... because you blushed and you look soo cute when you blush."
Cats face turned even darker because of the blush.
Cat Noir: "Anyways M'lady lets sit here." He pointed over at a table decorated by some candles.
I went over and sat down.
Ladybug: "Cat this is amazing! I can't believe you did all of this for me."
Cat Noir: "I kM-ew you'd love it!" He smirked once again.
Ladybug: "Oh now you just ruined everything." I rolled my eyes.
Cat Noir: "What? Why?" Cat asked.
Ladybug: "THE PUN!! What did i say about the puns!"
Cat Noir: "Oh come on.. i know you love them."
Ladybug: "Ha! You wish.. Anyways what are we eating?" I asked changing the subject.
Cat Noir: "Oh! Right.. we are eating spaghetti i made by myself" he said while being really proud of him self.
Ladybug: "Cool. Lets eat then shall we?"
Cat Noir: "We Shall." Cat answered.

---------30 minutes later-----------

"I never thought that Cat Noir can cook something so good.. for all we know someday maybe he will take over my parents business (the bakery). Wait... what am i saying i love Adrien! Welp nevermind that... but.. i like cat.. i have a crush on him.. he's always there for me and he made all of this for me... and only for me.. he must really like me, oh why did i reject cat sooo many times.. after all of his visits to marinette i saw his soft side.. he reminds me A LOT of Adrien... i'm really curious about his identity now. What if he is Adrien.. then that means i fell for him twice! Wow that would be amazing if Cat was Adrien. Well i guess i shouldn't worry about that now, i'll just enjoy our date for now, maybe i might even ask him about his identity.

Ladybug: "Hey..umm Cat? Can i ask you a question?"
Cat Noir: "Yeah, of course. So.. what's up?"
ladybug: "Well i wanted to ask you about... y-your i-identidy.."
Cat Noir: "Oh? So you do want to know my identity, Bugaboo hmm? Well i'm not going to tell you straight away who i am. Oh! I'll give you some hints on who i am underneath the mask."
ladybug: "Ok. Give me the first hint then."
Cat Noir: "Ok ok, i will. But after you find out my identity YOU will tell me who you are. Deal?"
ladybug: "Deal"
Cat Noir: "So... i like fencing, i go to school, and I'm 16 years old"

Yup! He reminds me A LOT about Adrien... could it be? Could he be... Adrien? I'll ask right now.

Ladybug: " Cat Noir are y-you A-adrien A-agreste?"
Cat Noir: " Well i guess the cat's out of the bag then."
Cat Noir: " wait what? You have a crush on me?? OMG so you DO love me back?! This is crazy. And... you kissed me?? When?"
Ladybug: "o-oh ummm w-when we f-fought against D-Dark Cupid.."
Cat Noir: " oh... and also why are you stuttering?"
Ladybug: "i-it's because i always g-get nervous when i talk to you Adrien."
Cat Noir: wait... Only marinette gets nervous around me... does that mean that you're...."
Ladybug: "*nods* Yes i-i'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
Cat Noir: " I'm speechless... so this WHOLE time You were m'lady?? This shy, cute, amazing, beautiful, purrrfect, and honestly i could stand here all night talking about how purrrfect you are. It's been you? Marinette so ladybug was sitting behind me in class? Wow! You don't even know how happy i am right now!"
Ladybug: "*tears up* y-you really think that?"
Cat Noir: "of course! Marinette you are the most purrfect person on this planet. I-I love you!"
Ladybug: "Awww i love you too kitty *giggles*
Soo we ended up kissing in the end and him carrying me bridal style back to my bedroom. I wanted him to stay the night over but he said he had to go home so.. he'll come over tomorrow.. i can wait to tell Alya about me and Adrien dating!

Ladybug: "Tikki Spots Off!"
-i detransformed-
Tikki: " well.. what a night.."
Marinette: " yeah! Can you believe that Adrien is Cat Noir? I'm the luckiest person alive right now!"
Tikki: "*giggles* i believe you Mari...but now you should go to sleep you have school tomorrow."
Marinette: " ok tikki goodnight"
Tikki: "goodnight"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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