Prologue & venturing

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In the famous casino there is a devil with grey eyes who loves to play wicked games with his wife a succubus with beautiful red eyes

No one knew what they looked like or what they were every person that walked in never came out

Once ur in the devils layer u can't come out only by beating him in a game

One man escaped and dare not tell anyone about the casino because if he did the devils henchmen would kill him

Beware the casino lurking in is the devil and his wife along with his henchmen


A boy with blue hair walked in a casino with lots of people and smoke everywhere he looked around and spotted a boy with black and purple hair with a girl sitting on his lap

He walked over to them and a few men blocked his way and he showed a bundle of cash

"Whats ur business with the boss"

"I challenge him to twenty one"

Everyone in the casino stopped and looked over to where the boy was and whispers were all around

"Did he really challenge the devil"

"His going to risk his life playing that game"

The boy smirked and took the cigarette out his mouth and stood up and the girl sat down

"Set the table"

"Yes sir"

The men walked over and set a table and the boy sat down and the blue hair boy sat down as a man came and set their hands in a device a tiny blade set up above their finger

"Just so u know u lose ur fingers in this game sora"

Sora glared at him and the dealer set two cards in front of them with one facing down

"Hit me"

The dealer gave him a card and he had a king and a ace and he smirked

"I'll stay ur turn sora"

"Hit me"

The dealer gave him a card and he had a king and queen and they flipped their cards up the boy had queen, king and an ace and sora had a king, queen and a nine

The blade cut off soras finger and he bit his lip as blood flowed down

"How's that possible u got twenty one in one turn"

He smirked and the girl got up and held yuto from the back and lightly touched his abes

"Give a chance a least my love"

"Nah babe"

He took the finger and held it to her mouth and she licked it and hissed

"I'd rather have ur finger"

She took his free hand and licked his finger before sucking on it and he smirked as the dealer gave them new cards

"Babe ur going to turn me on and everytime we have fun we go overboard~"

"But u taste delicious"

He ripped her top and pulled her on his lap and bit down on her chest and she moaned softly and he pulled away and licked his lips

"Ur blood is delicious~"


The boy frowned and he raised the bet and all blades rised above soras fingers

"Oh baby that's dangerous raising the bet like that although i don't care"

The dealer gave yuto a card and he had a seven and  a three

"I'll stay"

"Hit me"

The dealer gave him a card and he had a queen and king


"Ur going to lose"

He flip his card and he had twenty one and the blades cut all his fingers off and he screamed and blood flowed all over the table

"Get rid of the body give it to the Cerberus"

The men dragged the body away and he smirked and held onto his wife


Beware the devil and his games

**well ending it here this is only temporarily here not continuing with it next chapter coming is ur my drug;)**

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