Day One

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   As soon as I walked into the house I learned they didnt live alone. They had roommates. A smart way of living but also very cramped.

   Darren: Short and thin like a weasel

   Pam: Real tom boy

   Rosa: Tough and quick witted kind of like me but some how scarier.

   I went straight to their guest room and started unpacking the few belongings I had. I called home "not like they cared" and explained what happened. Mom said they would try their hardest to get me home. I told her I didnt want to go back until I knew I was totally safe and that was the end of it.

   That night for dinner we ordered a pizza I wasn't that hungry so I stayed in my room plotting my revenge when the door swung open.  The person who opened it was someone I had yet to meet.  She had long curley blonde hair a thin body with little curves and ember eyes that pierced into my body like dagers.

   Who the hell are you? She screamed.

    A guy who likes having his eardrums I responded rubbing my sore ear.

   Why are you in my room she yelled again

Your room?

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