Hater-Narrichten auf Twitter

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Ich entschildige mich jetzt schonmal für mein schlechtes Englisch :D sry <3

Danke für die ganzen reads das ist so krass. DANKE !!!!!!!! <3 :*

(y/t/N) = your Twitter Name                      y/n = your Name ;)


Michael :

@Michael5SOS I hate your new Girlfriend. You and Geordie were sooooo sweet together. Why @(y/t/n) ?

Ashton :

@Ashton5SOS why is @(y/t/n) so ugly ? I don't like y/n. I think his smile is fake and she makes him unhappy.

Calum : 

@Calum5SOS do you like @(y/t/n) ? I don't like (y/n). I don't really know why, she is just ugly and i think she makes you unhappy.

Luke :

@Luke5SOS why are you in a relationship with @(y/t/n) ? She is 4 years younger than you !!!!!! I don't like her.

Preferences (5sos/german)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt