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Demir slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his lips. He looked down, realizing he was wrapped around Selin as tight as possible. Every inch of him touched her body. One hand in her hair, and the other held her to him like an iron bar. His legs intertwined with hers and his cock—his fully erect, desperate-for-release cock—was pressed into her ass. Her firm, accommodating ass, which felt like heaven nestled into his aching erection. Before the stupor of sleep dissolved he buried his face into her hair stunned that it felt so natural to wake up with her. Before he could enjoy the fruity smell of her shampoo she stirred and mumbled sth he couldn't quite make out. Also he couldn't exactly explain Selin how he got to bed next to her only to wake up with his cock pressed against her butt. So he decided to close his eyes in an attempt to pretend sleep. The last few seconds Selin's constant stirring didn't help his erection, yet he couldn't bring himself to move out of bed. Two days in Alara's custody without Selin was too long and he couldn't get home fast enough. And when he finally got home he was greeted with Selin in his bed sleeping in his scent. He felt primal when raw desire was kindled in him at the face of this scenery. He wanted to make love to her, beg her to accept him right then and there. Still he couldn't. So he tried to leave the room, leave her; go sleep in living room on the couch.   His feet didn't obey. His feet carried him back to bed, where they could sleep together as if it is the most natural thing in the world. Their bed. So he laid down next to her and dared to touch her hair with a smile on his lips that he couldn't help. Demir fell asleep watching her hair that he wrapped around his finger. At least that was what he remembered. That is- until he woke up inappropriately wrapped around her body with a huge erection. While he contemplated how to get out of this beautiful mess without upsetting her and hopefully without blue balls Selin stirred again and Demir squeezed his eyes shot, hoping selin will just sneak out of bed in order to avoid an awkward moment. He could feel her turning in his arms so that she faces him. While he first expected a scream or a mumbled curse or something of the sort, none arrived. All he heard was a deep breath Selin released. While his imagination was running wild because he couldn't see her expressions he couldn't give himself away. So he waited until the morning silence was broken with Selin's soft breathy  voice:

-I am so mad at you..

"No, no, no, no.. don't.. don't be mad at me.. i swear.." he was thinking when he heard her again:

-Just two minutes..

Demir didn't know what to make of it. Was she talking to herself?

-He may have left, but here he is again..

His thoughts were screaming "I am.. of course I am.. what were you thinking? That I will leave forever? Good god, Selin, it was all a business trip. You won't get rid of me that easily even if you wished to..." His thoughts were interrupted by Selin:

-I don't want to hear any of that..

Was she reading thoughts now? It wouldn't surprise him. Selin's monologue went on:

-Just five more minutes ..

He couldn't believe she was still there until he felt her fingers run through his hair and her breath fanning his lips.. Did she miss him as much as he missed her? Her fingers went to his stubbled cheek and he could swear that her eyes were on his lips. Before he could speculate more he felt her fingers on his neck sliding ever so slightly towards his torso when he heard her whisper his name:

-Demir.. I wish I could stay mad at you. All it will take is a smile and I know.. I won't be able to resist you.. I never can...

In a fit of delirium his eyes snapped open while he grabbed her wrist. Next thing Selin knew was that he flipped her over and pressed her body underneath his, settling between her legs. Both were panting; one with shock the other with excitement and both with the sudden proximity. Demir realised that she had a tiny short on. Selin realised that he had a major erection which he pressed into her core.

Demir was hypnotized in her scent and warmth that all reason fled him. Though she responded with delay her husky voice reached Demir through the clouds that their contact build around his mind:

- Demir.. wha- what are you doing?

She was unsure whether she should chide him or kiss him. Her hesitation gave Demir the much needed courage. He moved himself up and down giving her a full body rub and hovered over her giving her abundant time to reject him. But all he got was Selin's realisation of his erection, her mouth opening in a silent 'oh..'  and her legs squeezing around his slim waist. So when he dived slowly in for her lips she opened hers in invitation while her eyes closed heavily when he came closer. He denied himself this pleasure one last time to see her reaction and she asked:

-what are you doing to me?

Then Demir responded without delay

-I am preventing future regrets..

This is when he dived in for good and tasted her lips for the first time. His thirst was real. Her thirst was real. So they opened their mouths for each other and each tasted the other's tongue. Their kiss was interrupted once or twice while they took off the bothersome clothes. When they managed to strip each other from the remaining clothes there was finally nothing between them. Despite all his excitement Demir had to ask pausing Selin's frantic kisses:

D: Selin, do you want that? Do you want me?

S: Yes..

Was all she could answer.

D: Say it, I need to hear it. Tell me you want me.

S: Demir, you are the only man I want. Please, I need that, I need you..

D: That's all I ever needed to know..

And with that Demir slowly slid into her warm and ready folds; releasing a primal growl in the process in response to Selin's very tight opening that grabbed him like sheath and sword. Her nails dug into his skin, letting him know that she feels every inch of him. Between her deep moans he plastered himself to her body, snaking an arm around her to hold her neck and whisper in her ear:

D: You can take every last inch. You know what that means? I was made for you.. now open your eyes. Look at me, I want you to remember   how you make me crazy.. and I want you to remember who gives you the best orgasm.

S: oh, darling, how can you not? You are the first man ever to fuck me like that..

Demir didn't know what to respond.

D: What?

She felt him harden more if that's possible. Her juices were mixed with virgin blood and she just liked- no she loved seeing Demir get lost in her, flexing her insides to fit himself. And he was right, they were made for each other. She felt every bit of him and he was in her to the hilt everytime before he slid out to thrust into her with all his length.

He felt many things at the same time but the most dominant of them all was to mark her for himself and make sure she needed him at least as much as he needed her. He had to posses her, body and soul-without hurting her..

D: Selin, god, I know I need to be slower and not hurt you.. I just can't help.. I can't control..

S: Then don't.. I want you out of control.. I have waited so long for this.. I need you to make me cum screaming your name..

D: Damn it.. Selin, please, stop..

S: Demir..

She repeated his name between kisses countless times until his raw desire consumed them both.. Once they screamed each other's names one last time at the peak of orgasm, the morning silence claimed the Erendil household again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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