1: I Hate You Too

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The redhead closed his eyes tightly as the blonde teen opposite slammed his fist once more into the wall. Their argument had been escalating quickly over the last hour - at one point the blonde had even taken a swing at the other.

Ejirou Kirishima growled, before it turned into an angry roar, and he tipped his chin up and cried out at the ceiling.
Fuming, Katsuki Bakugo turned away from the hole he had just created in the wall and faced the screaming teen.
'Why the hell are YOU yelling, Ejirou?! You're angry, huh? HUH? You're the one who keeps getting...' he struggled to find the words, as the boy with his hair gelled into wilting spikes stood before him helplessly. 'Felt up by pikachu every day-'
'Katsuki, will you just SHUT! UP! about Kaminari! Y'know, at first you being all jealous was cute, but now it's just pissing me off that my boyfriend is repeatedly having a go at my straight friend for hugging me like best friends do.'

Bakugo took a couple steps closer to Kirishima, beginning to close the two metre gap between them.
'You know full well that I don't like how he touches you, I don't trust him.' The ash-blonde hissed. 'Straight? My ass.'

The other flinched at his words and hesitated, before taking two steps towards Bakugo.
Ejirou spoke quietly but sternly, his eyes trained on the carpet:
'Well if he isn't straight, then you most definitely aren't, so you can give up this whole "I'm only gay when I'm with you" thing-'
'So you fucking admit he isn't straight??'
'You're avoiding the question.'

Kirishima looked up from the carpet, and his deep red eyes were met with Bakugo's, so angry they seemed, but he alone could see the fear hidden in his glare.
Bakugo replied hastily through gritted teeth. 'Well you didn't ask a fucking question did you-'
'You know what I mean.'

A couple seconds passed.
Katsuki took a step closer towards Ejirou. If he leaned in he would've been able to kiss him, they were so close now.
They stared at each other.
Kirishima's eyes were beginning to burn holes into Bakugo's, which were shimmering with a light coating of tears. The blonde's glare was beginning to soften. The redhead thought he was getting through to him.
Thought he was finally breaking down that walls that he had climbed so many times in the past year.


'I'm. Not. Gay.' Katsuki spat. The walls were up again. The angry and accusing frown had returned.

Ejirou swallowed, but didn't take his eyes off of Bakugo's face.
After a minute of silence, Ejirou replied, but in a whisper so quiet it was almost impossible to hear.

'Says the guy who kissed me, and held me, and told me he loved me, for eleven months.'

Five long seconds of silence.

The fire in Katsuki's eyes was extinguished, and replaced with immense waves of shock and sadness.
Now it was Ejirou's turn.

'...Just get out.'
  Kirishima's voice cracked as he looked away, wiping away the tears threatening to spill, and took a few steps back.

'Ejirou, I-' Bakugo tried to close the space between them, reaching out to Kirishima, but the redhead batted his hand away harshly.
'Don't call me that anymore.'

'Ejirou, please-'

'Bakugo, I said DON'T CALL ME THAT.' A tear rolled down Kirishima's cheek as he yelled. 'Why do you have to do this? WHY? I fucking hate you when you do this-'
He quickly realised his mistake as a shocked Katsuki recoiled from him and stepped away backwards.
'Wait, no, that came out wrong-'
But the damage had already been done.

I Hate Everything About You||KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now