Chapter 1

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Matthews POV

"Ew! What the hell is this! Gasp don't tell me! It- it's sun isn't it! Ewww ugh gross I don't want to get up!" I pull my blanket over my head so I don't need to see the retchet sunlight but then I hear running feet go into my room along with giggles then I prepare for the worse my little sister Holly starts jumping on my bed. I couldn't sleep anymore but I was still tired but as my little sister jumps I basically fall out of bed, my beautiful lovely bed...
I grabbed my little sister and she squealed and giggled I put her slowly back on the floor and then she ran out again. I got changed in my typical clothes and played on my phone for a few minutes intell I hear my mother's voice "breakfast is ready everyone!!" I grumbled and went downstairs with my father and older brother.


"Bye kids love you" my mom said as she kissed me and my brothers head "ew gross moooom I'm not a baby!" Jackson my older brother I don't know why he whined my mom did this basically everyday he should be used to it by now. "You'll always be my baby now hurry up and get to school I don't want you boy's late"


I started texting my bff Rebecca.

Mathew: bitch where u at

Rebecca: Calm yo man tit's I'll b there soon.

Matthew: u better bc I have blueberry muffins I'm willing to share.

Rebecca: KK b there faster than Sonic!

I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket I looked up and noticed a tall boy a couple feet away from me I mean he was hella hot but clearly not someone that should have been messed with, you could just tell I mean his outfit choice his muscles his sour lemon face and the feeling of sort of mean feeling but what really happened was horrible he turned his head slightly and locked eyes with me!

Yeah this story is probably going to suck but whatever. I'm gay~


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