Another creative writing story

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Oh, the fateful
My life had been rough before now, I had gotten so used to the figures mocking me by the time I was 9. They generally started showing up when my mom died back when I was 7; and they started to cascade when my dad died when I was 13. Right now, I am 16, and hoping for things to get better. I am a straight A student, and I don't know how; I can't even force myself to look up at the board, but I'll accept my grades graciously.
A weird trait that I obtained when I was younger, was to daydream. It sounds stupid, but to play scenarios in my head, helps so much. It distracts me from reality.
The bell rang, releasing us to homeroom; I don't ever have homework, so I just started thinking to myself. What would happen if I had asked him 'the big question'? Out of nowhere I got a pen and paper and started writing a note, for locker 412. It's kind of weird how I know his locker number, but I don't care. I barely remember what it said; I'm pretty sure I asked him to meet me behind the school after class. There was a stupid rumor going around school about how you can't be rejected under the cherry blossom tree on Friday. They stole it from the game yandere simulator, but I wanted to try it for myself.
I had lunch with one of my friends, because the other two were gone for the day. I notice that 'he' had picked up the note and read it before he sat down. He looked up and around the cafeteria for me, but I looked down before I was able to notice anymore.
Sooner than later, school ended, and I waited. The sun went down, and it felt like an eternity, but maybe that was just my head talking. I heard foot prints behind the tree so I got up and turned around, surely enough it was him and words were spoken; not exactly in the fast pase that I make it sound, but throughout a series of minutes.
I don't remember much, but the next thing I saw was my bedroom walls. My face was wet, so I assumed it was a no from him. I lay back and just let my brain do thinking for me. I was in a weird castle, it was bright from every angle, as if there were rays of sun shining in through the windows from the mountains. The sky was a yellow orange that was turning a pinky purple. I walk out to the court to see the fountain running, it sounded oddly enough like a bath tub; I was confused but it didn't really distract me. I look down and I already had a suit of armor, with a sword I can only assume would be none other than Excalibur.
My body started to weigh down, slowly; like it was being engulfed by water as a dragon flew onto the fountain, breaking it. I ready my sword, as the dragon's wings flared outward. The dragon was a big as the entire court yard, easily. "A normal person would be scared, but I-"I think as a little boy runs out towards the dragon. As I run to protect the child my body felt heavier and heavier. I shield the child from the dragons first breath of flames. I flung myself backward, swinging my sword. Blood filled the court ground as it floods out of the dragon. The sword did more damage than it looked like it would. I swing over and over again; as the blood rain turned the sky red, my arms started feeling numb. "Was it from the sword?" I thought to myself, almost slipping on the blood covering the floor.
I jump up, as I hear pounding on the door. I look around, grasping where I was, and what was going on; but everything was turning black. Water was overflowing the tub and was rushing under the door. Something special was peculiar about the water, it was red? I look down, as my vision narrows. There were gashes in my arm, so deep I couldn't move my arms without making them bleed even more.
It wasn't until before Aaron had died that he realized the dragon was his wrists, Excalibur was a box cutting razor, and the child that he attempted to save, was the innocence that he had lost before his parents had killed themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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