The Oak Tree and The White Roses

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It was mid fall. Red leaves were falling down in little circles from a beautiful oak tree. A beautiful 17 year old blonde man was standing under the oak tree. He was looking down, slow, thick tears falling from his eyes. He was wearing all black. He was wearing a long black coat with a black skinny jeans and black shoes. In his hands was a beautiful bouquet of white roses. The blonde sank down on his knees. He slowly lifted his hand onto the gravestone across him. "To A Beloved Father, Son and Friend" Whispered the blonde slowly. "Will Solace" He whispered softly. The boy laid the bouquet of flowers before the gravestone. "Hello Daddy. I came to visit. Just like I promised." The blonde whispered, tears still streaming down his face. "I miss you alot, you know. Percy and Nico came to adopt me. It was so kind of them. I have been togheter with Jesse everyday. And Last week, Jesse and I had our 3 years togheter anniversary. We are togheter for 3 years already. Can you belcatchingt? And how are you? Are you doing fine in Elysium? Do you miss me?" The blonde rambled on towards the grave stone. Behind the blonde were 3 people, all also dressed in black. All 3 were black haired males. One was a 16 year old, one was a 22 year old and the last one was 25. All 3 had also tears streaming down their face, but they were also smiling. They were smiling towards the blonde. They each had a golden rose in their hand. The little family was already standing there for an hour, watching their blonde. The 3 men came closer to the blonde when they noticed that he stopped talking. They stood behind the blonde, watching what he was doing. The blonde was forming a heart shape around the gravestone with the fallen, red leaves. The blonde smiled softly when he was done. He kissed the gravestone softly before standing up. The blonde turned towards the 3 males, tears were still flowing from his eyes, but he was smiling softly. A soft blow from the wind messed up the blonde's hair a little. The eldest blacj haired male tucked a blonde stay of hair behind the blonde's ear. The blonde smiled softly and leaned into the touch. The youngest of the 3 black haired males stepped forward and placed his golden rose in the heart. So did the other two males. The 3 males whispered something to the stone and began to walk away softly. The,blonde turned back to the gravestone and whispered something before catching up with the 3 other males. A blonde, ghostly figure came out from behind the Oak tree. "I love you to." He whispered before dissapearing into the roses.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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