Walls Between us
I slammed the car door shut and rushed towards the Hospital door. I shivered as I was welcomed by the repulsive smell of disinfectant. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon, so I had to hurry If I wanted to see her. The nurse at the reception greeted me with a smile, like she always did, as I dashed towards the elevator. When the Elevator finally stopped, I marched towards her room but when I got there I was stopped by one of the Nurses. She wouldn't let me in. She kept telling me it was past visiting hours, but it wasn't. Why wouldn't she let me in? I had to see her; I had to see my fiancé!
I sat down on one of the chairs in the waiting area, burying my face in my cold, sweaty hands. I didn't want to leave the hospital; I felt that if I did I would betray her. So I sat there and I tried to think of the last time I saw her at our house, before all this happened, before she got sick. I remembered that smile she gave me every time I got home from work, and the way she said my name whenever I made her mad... that was about three months ago.
Her Grandmother was Diagnosed with Tuberculosis and since my fiancé was a nurse she spent most of her time taking care of her grandmother. It was nerve wrecking watching her risk her life like that. I used to ask her if she would allow someone else to take care of her Grandmother, but she refused. She told me that the only reason she became a Nurse was because she wanted to help people, and she would do it no matter what. Even if it meant risking her life.
That's when the tables started to turn. At first we thought it was nothing more than a cold, but we where soon proved wrong when she started coughing up blood and having chest pains. My greatest fear had come true. She had gotten infected with the tuberculosis disease. I was devastated. I felt as if my world started to fall apart. And yet she still smiled. She still looked at the positive side of things and continued living. She told me that she was going to get better. And when I heard the Doctor say that, there was hope.
Suddenly a nurse dashed past me bringing me back to the real world. She ran as if she were in a hurry. I sleepily looked at the time; it was almost six. More nurses shot past me and I realised they were all running in her room's direction. I sat up straight and chased after the nurses. My heart stood still as I saw what was going on. She was suffocating! I ran over to her but one large nurse grabbed me by my shirt and wouldn't let me move. I watched as the nurse frantically applied CPR, trying to save my fiancé. I fell on my knees as the nurse let me go. This was it. I was never going to see her smile again.
A/N: This was an Essay for school xD I really liked how it turned out so I decided to publish it here. There might be some errors but thats because I still havent gotten it back corrected xD When I do I will edit this one here.
C: I hope you like~!

Crumpled Paper
RandomIts Just a bunch of short stories I wrote; either because I was bored or because It was for school and I was really proud of it.