BTS Jimin & suga (yoonmin) 🖤

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*alarm rings*
Jimin jumps out of beds realising he's nearly half an hour late to dance practice. He quickly puts on his clothes he wore the night before, as he didn't have time to look for another outfit.
*phone buzzes*
Jimin reaches for his phone and realised he's got many missed calls from the other members wondering where he is. He sees a specific message from Suga, " Jimin where are you. You've never been late before. Has something happened? Hello? Jimin?" His eyes get tearful reading it. "Is Suga hyung worried about me?" He starts to get upset thinking about Suga. "When did I start liking Suga hyung, he would never like me back. Maybe I should just get over him"

Jimin rushes out the door and drives to the practice room. He begins to run and reaches the practice room door window, he glares inside to see Suga hyung dancing by himself. Jimin doesn't understand where the other members have gone, he thinks they left because he was late. While Jimin was watching Suga practice he could see that he was in pain. It had looked like he had hurt his ankle. It made Jimin feel sad again and his eyes became even more tearful than before. Suddenly Suga spots Jimin at the window and runs towards the door. Suga notices the Jimin has tears in his eyes, he worries about what's wrong with Jimin and why he was late. "What's wrong?" Suga asked Jimin. Jimin turns away due to embarrassment and starts to run down the corridor and hides in the changing room.

" Why am I sad like this. Why did Suga hyung have to see me like this I'm so embarrassed. Why is it whenever I see him my heart races so fast. It makes me sad because he'll never like me back" Jimin sits on the floor of the shower while sniffling. After 15 minutes Jimin finally calms down and walks out the changing room. Next minute he is on the floor. "Ouch" Jimin said. Jimin looks up and sees suga starring at him. "Ugh Jimin ! Are you okay! I'm sorry I didn't see you there". Jimin's heart races as Suga reaches out his hand to help him back up. Suga looks at Jimin dead in the eyes " are you sure you're okay? You looked upset earlier". Jimin slowly turns his eyes away from Suga from embarrassment "I'm fine hyung it's just allergies" Jimin walks away and goes home. However, Suga knew something was wrong with Jimin. Suga begins to worry and follows Jimin.

Jimin heads to the nearest store to his home and grabs 4 bottles of soju and some snacks. He sits at the nearest table and starts to drink the bottles of soju. After 15 minutes he's through 2 bottles of Soju. Suga begins to worry more about Jimin. He doesn't know if he should go up and stop Jimin from drinking more. He's scared that Jimin will be mad that he had followed him to the store. Suga picks up his phone and quickly calls Jimin. He watches as Jimin picks up his phone and declines his call. This makes Jimin down his third bottle of soju and starts to cry. Suga panics and without hesitation he runs over to Jimin. As soon as Jimin saw Suga he stood up and passed out. Suga picks up Jimin and takes him back to his home.

Suga puts Jimin to bed after washing him and putting his bed clothes on. He sits on the side of the bed and stares deeply at sleepy Jimin. He thinks to himself why do I have this weird feeling while starring at Jimin. It is as if his hearts about to race out of his chest. The more he stares at him the more his heart races and he becomes hot and sweaty. He stroke Jimin's head and leaves to go home.

Jimin wakes up confused. " eh eh...... how how..... did I get here. Is this my my bed" he stares at the wall a head of him and his memory slowly comes back, he vaguely remembers. " Suga hyung SUGA HYUNG took me home. Wait! Did I pass out and hyung took me home. I'm soooo embarrassed" he was scared to look at his phone just in case Suga had messaged him. However, due to Jimin curiosity he grabs his phone. He had a message from hyung asking to meet at his house after dance practice. Jimin was too embarrassed to go to dance practice because he didn't wanna see Suga hyung. Jimin didn't know whether to meet up with Suga and ignored his message.

Hours later Jimin picks up the courage to see Suga. Although he is nearly 3 hours late. Jimin knocks on Suga's door. And quickly turns away and walks down to his car. He has changed his mind he's too scared to face him. Suga darts open the door and see's Jimin " JIMIN please don't go, I want to talk to you" he runs after Jimin and grabs him by the arm. " please! Come inside and talk". Jimin moves his arm out of Suga hand and shyly walks into Suga house. He sits on the sofa while Suga grabs some juice from the kitchen. Jimin worries about yesterday and his hands start to tremble and his legs shake. Suga rushes over to check on Jimin but trips on the table leg and lands on top of Jimin. They stare at each other deeply in the eyes. And both of their cheeks turn bright red. Suga gets up and sits next to Jimin he feels his heart race and his ears burn. They both didn't say a word and sit awkwardly. After nearly a minute of silence Suga builds the courage to look at Jimin and he can see that he's crying. "Jimin, I'm sorry did I hurt you anywhere why are you crying?" Jimin stands up  " I can't do this anymore" and walks to the bathroom and locks the door.

Suga has many thought running through his head and he can't understand what he's feeling. " do I like Jimin. It can't be right! I mean whenever I see him dance I become shy and my heart races. Whenever I look at his face I think he looks handsome. I think he's body looks sexy. Why do I keep denying the fact that I like Jimin" while Suga is thinking to himself Jimin fills the bath tub up with water and cries. Suga suddenly hears the bath tub water running and starts banging on the door " Jimin what are you doing in there. Are you okay ? Jimin?" Jimin ignores Suga and goes underwater to block out the noise. Suga worries as he heard no response from Jimin and kicks open the door. He sees Jimin lying underwater in his clothes and quickly grabs him out. "JIMIN ARE YOU CRAZY what the hell are you doing". Suga cries while looking and Jimin shivering on the floor in his arms. Jimin can't hold his tears back and Suga grabs him and hugs him. " Jimin talk to me what's wrong" Jimin sniffles " Suga hyung i i i .... think I like you. No actually I've liked you for many years now but never had the courage to even tell you. Seeing you everyday kills me. I just want to be with you but I knew you'd never like me..... I'm sorry hyung I'll get over you please forgive me"
Suga looks at Jimin and wipes away and tear running down his cheek " it's okay Jimin you can like me. Because I also have feelings for you too". They both stare at each other deeply and cry.

Jimin dries himself off and Suga gives Jimin a pair of joggers and a oversized black hoodie. Suga goes to the living room and sits on the sofa while he waits for Jimin to get change. Jimin finished getting ready and he's embarrassed after what happened earlier and decided not to go see Suga in the living room. He lies on his bed and falls asleep to the sweet scent of his duvet sheets. After a while Suga starts to worry why Jimin hasn't come out of the room. He heads up to his bedroom to see Jimin asleep on his bed. He walks up to the bed as hesitates to lay to down next to Jimin.

Around a hour later Suga wakes up to see Jimin face right next to his. He begins to panic and seconds later Jimin eyes slowly open. They both stare into each other's sleepy eyes. Their heads come closer and Suga soft lips touch Jimin's. Jimin grabs Suga's hand tightly and they kiss even more. Suga suddenly feels Jimin tongue inside his mouth and they kiss more deeply. Suga suddenly becomes aroused by Jimin and moved down to kissing Jimin's neck. His neck then his chest what also moved to Jimin Abs. Jimin starts to moan as Suga turned him on. He can feel his soft lips slowly moving down to his member. Seconds later he felt his member in Suga wet small mouth. He grabs Suga's head while he feels his member go in and out of his wet mouth. Suddenly Jimin became aggressive and pushed Suga to the bottom. He turned him over and started Kissing his neck while inserting his member into Suga hyung. Suga let off a loud moan what turned Jimin on even more. He felt his member slowly rub against the skin on Sugas he felt his member become harder. All of a sudden Suga feels a warm feeling inside him his moans grew louder and louder. They suddenly heard banging on the door and shot out of bed. They both quickly put their clothes on and went downstairs

Jimin opened the door to see J-hope and Rm standing there looking worried. " omg JIMIN where have you been. We've been trying to get hold of you for two days we have been so worried. We went to your home and you wasn't there we thought you went missing" suga walks up to the door all hot and sweaty. "Eh why are you both sweaty at midnight" Rm asked both of them. Jimin and Suga looked at each other in a panic and both answered " we was working out" J-hope and Rm looked sceptical about their answer but was glad they found Jimin safe. " I'm glad your safe and next time Jimin please tell us where you are okay! I'll see you tomorrow for vocal practice" Rm said. Jimin stares at them both embarrassed " yes hyung I was wrong I'm sorry. I won't do it again". J-hope and Rm leave.

Suga and Jimin look at each other in relief. And head back up to bed. Jimin stares at Suga " so..... erm.... are we dating now" Jimin shyly asks Suga. He looks at Jimin " yes! But we mustn't tell the other members and make sure the fans don't find out. I don't want it to ruin the band reputation and upset the fans and members". Jimin smiles and cuddles Suga. They fall asleep softly cuddling each other.

Ps. This was really bad I just wanted to try it out. And my English is also bad I write like a 5 year old........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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