Young Justice (fan fiction)

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Note: Warning major mary sue character!

Name: Emmaline Auctorita (Emma)

Powers: Ability to sense or recognize superhuman powers.

Accelerated healing

Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself.

Ability to take on the abilities of certain animals (turn into animals),

Ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound.

Also known as sonar or radar sense,


Ability to be immune to one or more forms of physical damage,

Ability to animate and lengthen one's hair,

Sonic scream,

Superhuman breath,

Superhuman senses

Superhuman reflexes,

Superhuman vision,


The ability to sense the overall well-being and conditions of one's immediate environment and natural setting stemming from a psychic sensitivity to nature,

Ability to naturally have skills and/or knowledge typically earned through learning,

Superhuman intelligence, Ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions (just keep reading I know it’s a lot)

Ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others,

Ability to read the thoughts of, or to mentally communicate with others,

The ability to alter the perceptions of others, and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind,

Ability to take control and inhabit the body of an individual,

Ability to create or manipulate darkness, often by mentally accessing a dimension of dark energy/light,

Ability to phase through solid matter without harm,

Ability to manipulate sound,

Air and wind manipulation,

Cold and ice manipulation,

Earth manipulation,

Water and moisture manipulation,

Plant manipulation,

Fire and heat manipulation,

Force field generation,


Ability to summon beings or objects for assistance,

flight using with/without wings,


Ability to transform into a gaseous, mist, or fog-like form,

Healing by channeling a form of energy,

and last but not least…! Aura reading!

Note: some of these powers take a lot of energy so she can only do so many at a time! Emma also has tons of experience using her powers because she’s over 100,000, years old but looks like she’s about 14.

Age: ??? in human years she’s around 13-16 but looks around 14ish.

Species: Human…ish…her planet is full of the first humans, but they are super humans with 1 of her powers.

Hero name: Mystique (Mist, Misty, Em,ect)

Looks: For her many different categorizes of powers (dark, light, fire, water/ice, earth/plant she has different costumes. Her hair is long wavy/curly and red. Eyes brown.

Let’s meet the other characters!

Robin:The youngest member (at age thirteen).Though he is also the most experienced superhero on the team. He does not possess any superpowers. However, he is well rounded in his abilities, using his strategic intellect and technological expertise. He has a flippant personality, and can be heard laughing in combat or when sneaking up on villains in order to throw them off. He repeatedly plays with the English language, particularly with words which cease to function without prefixes, such as "disaster" ("aster"), and "underwhelmed" (whelmed"). Batman has forbidden Robin from revealing his secret identity to the team, though Kid Flash is aware of it.

Aqualad:His real name is Kaldur ‘Ahm or Kaldur for short. His powers, channeled through the tattoos on his arms, are a mixture of Atlantean sorcery and science. He displays the superior strength, durability as well as the ability to breathe and speak underwater typical of Atlanteans. He also possesses the ability to discharge electricity through his hands. He is very calm and has a cool head.

Kid Flash:His real name is Wally West. The team's fifteen-year-old speedster. He has enhanced speed, although he is slightly clumsy, often falling down while running at high speeds due to a misstep. Kid Flash cannot vibrate his molecules through solid objects like the Flash and gets a bloody nose if he attempts to. He is a flirt; beginning with M'Gann and extending to any woman he comes into contact with. Kid Flash and Robin know each other outside the team, even knowing each other's secret identities. Wally likes to collect items he calls "souvenirs" from the team's missions.

Superboy:a sixteen-week-old clone of Superman, made by Project Cadmus. Although he does not have all of Superman's abilities, he has super strength, invulnerability, enhanced hearing,and vision, which also allows him to see in infrared. Superboy is typically sullen, ill tempered and hates being told what to do as a result of being mind-controlled by Cadmus.

Miss Martian:Martian Manhunter's sixteen-Martian year-old niece, as well as being an inexperienced superhero. As a Martian, she hastelekinesis, telepathy, and flight. Additionally, she can shape-shift, though she has trouble mimicking men. She has stated that she cannot become intangible as her uncle can, implying that this is an advanced skill. She pilots her own bio-ship, which transports the team and turn invisible. She is kind and optimistic, but has a naive streak born of having learned about life on Earth through simplistic TV sitcoms. In line with this, she makes regular use of the catchphrase "Hello, M'Gann!" when suddenly realizes something.

Artemis: ???

The Justice League plays a major role, primarily as mentors to Young Justice. There are sixteen members in total, though members that do not have an immediate connection with the main characters will serve as background characters. Direct mentors — Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, and Green Arrow — will feature prominently. Batman and Red Tornado are the most frequent recurring charactersthough Black Canary is the combat trainer she is only seen twice but is mentioned too. In addition to leading the Justice League, Batman acts as Young Justice's "general," choosing the team and assigning missions.

DC Universe characters who are neither affiliated with the Justice League nor Young Justice will also be supporting characters. This includes frequent recurring character Roy Harper.

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