The Beginning (literally)

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Michael-Yes mother everything I'd prepared I have my books,backpack,and the paper now can I go.

Merium -Sure you can...after you change that shirt you look like a delinquent,and be sure to go to your guidance teAcher to explain to her my message(by the way what was the message)

Michael- the message was exactly this [Michael in his mother's voice] if you'll excuse me for not coming but I have some questions 1: are their any unfit academic profiles I should be aware of and if there are please call 212-846-7700.... that is all mother

Merium- Very good I'm surprised by how much you sound like your father

Michael- please mom [pause] don't compare me to him I'm not like him at all

Merium-Well I'm sorry Michael but in life not EVERYTHING can stay[takes picture of father and places it down]

Michael- Mom I'm gonna be late

Merium- all right let's go we don't want you to get you first ever late pass

[End scene]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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