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Small singing was heard from the woods that anyone hardly goes to, a girl walking down a dirt road as she sings to herself.

Her purple butterfly necklace glows slightly as she continue to sing to herself, the little girl had long brunette hair that was kept in a ponytail and her eyes were hazel brown, she was wearing clothes that had torn spot on them and they were dirty with dried blood.

Of course, anyone who walks past the girl don't even notice it. They could care less too. That's how the world was anyways, it was also about survival and never trust anyone. That's what mary thinks.

Yes. Her name is mary, but that wasn't her real name really. But most called her mary for short from her original name. However, she was in a cruel world, all alone with no one by her side. And that's just how she like it. She like being alone. That meant no one to worry about besides herself.

As mary pauses and stops singing, as if on time, her stomach growled. She would have to steal food tonight since she gave the rest of her money for another kid that needed it more than her.

The girl sighs as she walks into a shortcut that lead to the city, it was filled with complete, and somewhat dangerous strangers in these parts of the city. She knew that, but she knew how to survive even at age seven.

Mary runs across the street before the cars drives closer, some of them honk their cars at her in frustration. But as always, she didn't care. All she wanted to do is get food.

"GET BACK HERE!!" mary cackles as she runs out of a restaurant with food in her hands quickly, "I'm calling the police you little fucking rascal!!"

Anyone who seen her commit crimes either called her a "maniac", "rascal" and "street dog" or even "stray dog", though mary didn't mind. She also didn't mind a few chasing her down, it made the 'chase-and-catch' gig more fun for her.

When she still lived with her "family" her older brother would chase her down whenever she did or say something to get him angry.
But that was a long time ago.

And she didn't need anyone.

As soon as she was out from the city, She went to the woods where her abando is.

"Abando" is what she calls a broken, and abandoned house. It was actually one of her "mother's" gang talking language. She didn't mind talking like a hoodlum. After all, it runs to the family right?

She went inside the broken, dusty house as the rats runs past her feet.
The house had lots of items that were left behind by the old owners, and no one rebuild this place for anyone else who wanted to move here. But why?

Maybe it was because that most people that has lots of moneys and "amazing" items didn't like the average house and only seeks for a house that is more into their taste.

But the girl loved this broken place, why you may ask? Why would a little girl in mary's age would like to live and sleep in a broken house were animals that may have rabies, and perhaps the roof might fall on her?

Because she loved the darkness, she loved how relaxing being in complete darkness was, how the chilly atmosphere, and chilly aura runs down to her skin to her spine. She loved how the darkness was her only passion.

She also loved how quiet and peaceful it was as well, no one to bother her. She was free.

Free from those who pestered her all the time nonstop. Of course the place she lived in for now was in fact dirty and dusty and had broken walls and such, but she somehow, by herself, managed to live in a place that was no condition for children like her and cleans up time to time but hardly finished anything.

Like her music lyrics.

Like her drawings.

Mary sat on a dusty couch as little creepy crawlies screeches and scurries away. She starts eating the food that she stole from the restaurant earlier and hums in satisfactory. This was the life, she thought. She loved it.

After eating, she threw away her trash and walks to a room that was surprisingly clean, the bed was neatly made, the walls seems untouched and was painted white, the floorboards were glimmering and smooth, and the mirror was indeed not shattered. Not even a crack can be seen.

Before, the room was disgusting and reeked of wine and blood, but after some time mary took time and cleaned it how her mother taught her when she was 5 years old.

Mary lays on the bed, she sighs happily. Her butterfly necklace glows, she always wondered how and why does it do that.

Everyone in her neighborhood- well was once her neighborhood, even kids that were her age thought it was abnormal, and creepy. There's people who say she was a daughter of a voodoo witch doctor, others who say she does voodoo and has the butterfly necklace as to carry her life. Mary could care less what others say to her.

Because there was no proof  honestly of who- what she is. She might as well be a "normal" girl who survives on her own. And have no friends. No family. No one to trust.

The girl looks up at the shadowy ceiling, it almost looked like a shadow portal- if it was real. But it was really the mold that she can never seem to take off the ceiling. It was strange, but what is there to expect? It's an old home, an old broken abandoned home. No one didn't clean up there but her.

She stares at the ceiling for a while now, many thoughts swam in her young small mind.

Wondering if they even missed her, her family.
Maybe they didn't. After all, her family was too dysfunctional that they would end up in a physical fight, or worse, it would be mary the first one to try to murder one of her siblings.

She kept thinking if everything was her fault that she didn't try enough for anybody.
Mary will admit she didn't try to act like a normal, average girl but she did try to make others happy.

Guess it wasn't enough.

Mary doesn't have to worry now.
Neither does her so-called family, they both have what they wanted.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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