Holly and drake spawn in the world and imminently heign miningbwood" holly heads to the caves to go find coal and diamond while drake mines so much wood for literally no reason at all and when they both finish they return to each other with the resources they earned from the harvest, night time came fast and they didn't have home and begun beingbattscjes by mobs and they do their beat to fight York off and then abcjarged creeper started walkingbdowntads them but little did they know that that was mo charged creeper it was the infinity creeper so they got scared and ran off
Mimeveaft lets play #1
Adventurein this episode of a minecraft let's play drake and his friend holly are going to go find a place to live bit the attroucius infinity cteeper is following them so tuohy do thientbth best to do so while fighting ott 5u3 monsters (to remind you this i...