Chapter 5

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After Tai told me his story I was still thinking if I should trust him "that's deep" I said "Logan you know you can trust me" Tai said..why is it so hard to trust him! Oh right I'm afraid. "Why is it so hard for you to trust me" Tai said raising his voice a bit "look Tai I just..I'm not ready to tell you yet" I said "And why are you so desperate to know my story" I asked again "I don't know"

"HEY YOU TWO! Your suppose to be in class!!" We both looked to our right and saw our science teacher chasing after us "shit! Run!!" I said and took off ..after a few minutes I got to a bridge and snuck under it..I wonder where Tai ran off "hey" I heard someone say out of breath "oh were you right behind me?" I asked and sat on the dusty ground " you run fast..I don't think I've ever ran that fast!" Tai said and sat next to me "wow really. I'm always running away" shit I wasn't suppose to say that! "What do you mean" oh great now he's just gonna keep asking me "nothing really" I said and took a cig "Logan come on" I looked at him and wow his eyes are so hypnotising..shut up Logan! Don't fall for him! "I steal things that's it" "I have a feeling there's more to that then stealing" I looked down at the murky water suddenly finding it very interesting "let me guess your not ready to tell me?" I nodded and took a puff from my cig "please just tell me" "Tai I'm not ready!" I said and raised my voice "okay geez, calm down" I took a few more puffs and gave it to Tai "thanks"

"You coming to school tomorrow" Tai asked and dropped me of at my house "Tai it's Saturday tomorrow..there's no school" he looked so cute when he's confused...ergh shut it Logan! "Oh right..I knew that!" He said and moved a bit of his black hair "bye Tai" I was about to close the door but he put his foot again "wait! I wanted to know if you wanted to hang?" This isn't a date right? No course not! "Oh yeah sure! That'd me great..see you the park?" "Yeah okay" I smiled as he walked away "wait did I just a real one Atom" Atom lifted his head and turned it to the left and snuck his tongue out "oh wow I did"

Wow I need to find some friends..I'm talking to my dog for god sakes..that's not bad right? Wait but I have I can't talk to Tai about Tai..did that make sense? I think it did..see now I'm talking to myself. Wait ago Logan.


"I love you Logan" Zack said "I love you too Zack" "forever" he tattooed on my arm. I'm so in love! Perfect life!

5 days later "hey Logan it's Zack, listen I never really liked mates said they'll pay me $50 if I ask you yeah..I never really liked you..bye" I heard a voice message "what..." I whispered. I screamed out loud and kicked the wall.. I thought he loved me! I was so in love! He said forever!!! I ran to my room and ripped up every picture of us on my wall..then I took out my razor and cut over my forever tattoo he did "I HATE YOU ZACK!!! I cried


I screamed and got up "hey hey it's alright" was that Tai? How'd he get in..doesn't matter I'm so hurt right now "HE SAID FOREVER! I THOUGHT HE LOVED ME TAI!" I said and cried to his I've never cried this much..fuck why did I have that dream about Zack "Shh Shh it's alright Logan" "he left me.." I whispered and cried again

After an hour of crying and screaming I finally calmed down "how'd you get in my house?" I asked Tai "it was unlocked and I heard this scream so I came to see if you were okay..are you?" I think it's time I told Tai.

Bad girl meets Bad boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora