The day has come

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                     *4 am*

   (Dillons POV)

"Are you finished packing?" My mother yelled down the stairs.

"Yup uhhh Yep mhm yep, I'm ready" I grabbed out my suitcase and started throwing random stuff into it.

I was getting ready and forgot to pack so I just half assed look at the list and for what I think is good I throw in the suit case, not folding it or anything. I shoved the last couple pieces of socks into the pockets threw my toothbrush in there and just shook my head at how horrendous my packing job was. I sat on top of it and zipped it shut. Hauling it up the stairs I looked at my mom who already gave me the look of disapproval knowing I had just packed my stuff.

"You just packed didnt you?" She inquired

"Mhm" I couldnt look at her because she was giving me a look that only would make me feel guilty. Grabbing my phone, my extra chargers throwing it all in my backpack and my mom giving me a few hundred dollars for the first couple of days I rejoiced at how easy it was it get some money out of her. Although I loved my mom, my dad on the other hand he and I never seemed to get along, last night he said bye. Literally all he said was bye and he went to bed just like that.

I threw my backpack and suitcase into the back of the car, I was excited to see who my roomie was going to be. I was a bit nervous but I knew itd be okay since I'm a for the most part friendly person. We took off, it was still dark outside and the chilling morning was already slowly starting to warm up. I put in my airpods, and with the sun slowly starting to peak out over the moutains, I always have this feeling before I go flying but only in the mornings, I cant quite place a word for it, but it was almost a combination of excitement, nervousness, having to go pee, just a whole bunch of feelings.

We finally got to the Airport it was about a 30 minute drive not long for where I live, I mean a 4 hour drive is what we would consider a long drive. I hopped out of the white Hyundai Santa Fe, and let the trunk do its automatic opening thing. I grabbed my suitcase and backpack and hit the button for the trunk to close. We walked inside, my mother and I didnt really talk much because besides her being in a disappointed mood, we were both extremely tired. Seeing my group I kind of half walked half skipped to them to start meeting people. I gave my mom a hug and said I love you see you soon. With that she was headed back home to enjoy her peace and quiet until I returned home.

I started meeting everyone. I tended to gravitate more towards the girls in any situation. I mean I knew I was gay but it just always seemed right to be around girls. There were only 4 men in our group. Robert, Mikeal, and Adam. I said hi to everyone. When I got to Adam though I got this feeling in my stomach, he was physically attractive, his short brown hair, his golden brown eyes, his perfect teeth, and he had amazing K9's which was always a big turn on for me. He was also very tall and had a very pleasant smell to him. I had a hard time talking and I felt my heart racing and my face was red, I dont just mean red, I mean the color of a warning light that says, Gay boy has a crush on you.

NOT how I wanted to start this trip.

We all went through security, and I had already made friends, one girl named Sawyer and I had basically already become best friends, Mary and I also had become good friends. Though I hadn't ever met these people before they all knew each other from school, and they were warm and welcoming. The 3 guys hung out together while the girls and I hung out just feet away. The boys were talking about some stupid things like, oh what if we get kidnapped. I on the other hand with the girls were talking about how the one and only Brendon Urie was going to be in New York for his show of Kinky Boots.

The time had finally come to get onto the plane and I at this point was just filled with excitement. I walked down the rows trying to find my seat. I was a spoiled brat when it came to flying, I always had first class, or Economy comfort plus. I never flew regular economy. But this time I did, it wasnt awful I slept most of the way. But just as we were going for our decent my ears and jaw started shooting in pain. A pain I have never felt flying, I mean I've flown a lot I've been over to South Africa, most of the states. I've done my fair bit of traveling. But this, this was the worst thing I've ever felt on a plane.

We touched down and I couldn't breathe, the pain had finally subsided but I now was over joyed to finally be in New York. It was a long time coming. It had been in the works for over a year. I was just so excited to be here, and to be able to be on a trip with some amazing people and atleast one man that caught my eye.

It was going to be a trip for the books, one that I could tell my kids, and their kids, kids. We grabbed our bags and headed for our scheduled bus. Arriving on the sidewalk we all greeted the bus driver and took role as not to have missed anyone on the plane. I just knew that I wanted to start exploring! The driver had started throwing our bags into the buses compartment underneath the windows. We were told not to help as he was a strong man who didnt need no ones help. I myself was just okay with not helping, lifting 50 pound bags was not my forte. I looked around for my new found friends, but didnt see them until I got on the bus and they had called me over. Actually I was quite happy to have made some new friends. The driver had finished hauling all of the bags onto the bus, and with a jolt we were off. Well I say we were off I mean we were stuck in New York traffic for 30 minutes for a usually 5 minute drive which was actually quite irritating.

Finally arriving at the hotel we all got our room assignments and hopped off the bus and headed to our newly assigned rooms. I was with a guy named Tanner, Austin, and Cody. All really white names to me but whatever I guess originality isnt something that's overly stated where I'm from. Which by the way is Utah... I know, I know its not the best state to live in but hey who cares.

I reached my room with my new friends just a couple of rooms over, I opened the door to see three guys unpacking their items and moving stuff around to be as comfortable as possible.  My jaw h i t, the ground when I had saw that man. He was tall with Blonde hair, muscles bulging out of his white tee, and his grey sweatpants and something else bulging, his leg muscles of course. They were some of the most gorgeous legs I'd ever seen. Oh and of course his bulge was quite nice as well.

"What's up I'm Dillon, I didnt catch yall's names?" I was already red a crab being cooked alive.

"Yo what's up Dillon, I'm Tanner, this over here is Austin and that man over there is Cody, you'll be sleeping with cody and Austin and I will share this bed. As long as he doesnt try anything funny." Tanner was cackling at his weird joke. Which lowkey made me feel uncomfortable, I mean I was gay, and probably the only one in this room. I laid down my suitcase and I had noticed that he had already put a pillow in the middle of the bed to keep us on separate sides.

I just started unpacking and going about my own buisness without trying to stare at Cody's gorgeous physique.


Alright chapter one is finally done, more to come next week ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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