Heeeeeeeeere's Jahvie!! :D

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Dahvie's POV:

As I lie in bed, I start to feel a familiar sensation. Just as I begin to sob, my bedroom door opens to reveal Jayy standing there in nothing but a pair of his black Calvin Klein boxers.

"What's wrong, Dahvs?" He asks as he sits on the edge of my bed, trying to get a good look at my tear-stained face.

"N-nothin'." I sniffle, burying my face into my pillows as I roll over onto my stomach.

"There is. Now are ya gonna tell me what's bugging ya or am I gonna have to tickle it outta ya?" He chuckles, clambering over to look at me. I shake my head and look up at him.

"I...I...I l-lo..." I try, looking away, blushing as he wipes my tears away.

"You what, Dahvs?" He asks, brushing my hair out of my eyes. "Do you have something that you wanna tell me baby?" I can't muster up a response just yet so I take a deep breath, getting ready to pour my heart out to him. Wait a minute. He just called me 'baby' and I liked it.

"J-Jayy. I love you. Like more than anything in the world. I love everything about you. The way you smile. The way your face lights up when you laugh and giggle." Watching his face the whole time, I notice his cheeks blush crimson. "The colour your cheeks go when you blush. I love all your piercings and tattoos. I love the way you purr in your sleep and how the first thing you do every morning when you wake up is call my name for no reason at all. I could go on forever and ever with a list of all the things about you that are perfect. It's just that I truly do love you and I don't fucking care if you don't feel the same way. Just as long as you know how much I love you, I'll be happy." I scan his face for any emotions but can't find any. Just as I get ready to apologise for admitting my feelings, he presses his lips to mine gently.

"I love you too, Dahvie." He smiles as he gets under the covers with me and I cuddle up to him.

He kisses my forehead, whispering: "Goodnight, my baby. Sleep tight." I nuzzle into his neck and he plays with my hair.

"Night Jayybear. I love you." I smile, placing a kiss on his chest.

"Awh, I love you too, Dahviekins." He chuckles, wrapping his left arm around my back protectively as we drift off to sleep.

I Love You, Jayy. But I Just Don't Know How To Tell You. *Jahvie Fluff*Where stories live. Discover now