Let's turn forever you and me... [2-D x Reader] part 7 chap 3

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~day of the concert~

It was 5 am you and 2-D had just woke up and were in the studio to rehearse. 2-D seemed nervouse since you woke up next to him. It's been worrying you, he never gets this tense. So befor you started singing you said "2-D... Are you okay?" You looked him in the eyes grabbing his hands gently. "Remember if anything is bothering you I'm here for you..." He looked at you and smiled "don't worry love I'm alright..." He kissed you on the lips. You felt relieved. "Okay good." You smiled and hugged him now let's start!" You said. After practicing all the songs twice it was now 7 am still no one was awake but the two of you. "Hey blud I'm going to shower" you said. "Okay love!" He said then you left. When he was sure you left he had a break down and spoke to himself. "Why is she so perfect..." He was about to cry. "I can't do it..." He took the ring out and looked at it. "Oh (f/n) why do you have to be so enchanting..." He started to sob. "I don't think I'll be able to do it. What if I screw up!" He sat down on a stool. "Please dear god... Let this be perfect..." He looked at the ring. "This doesn't look pretty at all..." He said still sobbing. It was a silver ring with a little diamond. And if you looked in the inside it had the date you guys met and your name but instead of your last name it was pot. "She'll think it's shit and she'all leave me..." He stopped sobbing after 10 minutes. And put the ring away in his jacket he was sitting there thinking. He lit a cigarette then started to smoke. "bloody hell My speech!" He said remembered. He didn't know what he was going to say so he grabbed a paper and wrote it down after 15 mintues he finished and hid it in his jacket pocket. You came back a few moments later. "Hey stu I'm back" you had on a gorillaz shirt on and black leggings and black boots. He looked at you stunned. He bearly seen you dressed like that so he was very surprised. "H-hey love..." His eyes were wide. "What too much for you?" You giggled and walked to him then kissed him on the lips. And soon did you know you guys had sex In the studio. You guys got dressed and then you looked at the time. "Yeah Murdoc, russel and noodle must be up by now." You said "we should go to the theater to set up," 2-D said. You guys left and walked there. many girls and guys came over to you two. And many flirted with you and same with 2-D you guys made a run for it and made it some how to the theater. "Holy shit.." Your hair was all over the place and your eyes were wide open same with 2-D. It was now 9 am so it took over a hour to get there even tho it was a 10 minute walk there. You guys set up and everything. You fooled around with him and did stupid shit. You guys stayed there till the concert which was 5 PM. Since you guys didn't want to get crushed out there .

-at the end of the concert-

The whole band was on stage. 2-D was at the microphone, noodle was on a stool with her guitar and Murdoc was on the right standing with his bass, russle was on a stand with his drums and you were some what next to 2-D with your own mic. 2-D said "okay now this next song is feel good inc. And I have a announcement during it so enjoy!" The music started and De La Sol came out from the curtains laughing. And 2-D sang "feel good" 9 times. Then the next part came "City's breaking down on a camel's back. They just have to go 'cause they don't know wack So all you fill the streets it's appealing to see You won't get out the county, 'cause you're bad and free You've got a new horizon it's ephemeral style. A melancholy town where we never smile. And all I wanna hear is the message beep. My dreams, they've got to kiss me 'cause I don't get sleep, no." Then the next part came. 2-D held on the mic and sang. "Windmill, windmill for the land.Turned forever hand in hand Take it all in on your stride It is ticking, falling down. Love forever love is free Let's turn forever you and me. Windmill, windmill for the land Is everybody in?" The he moved from the mic stand and let you and de la sol sing. You jumped and sang with the de la sol. " Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats, Lining them up like ass cracks, Lay these ponies at the track It's my chocolate attack. Shit, I'm stepping in the heart of this here Care bear reppin' it harder this year Watch me as I gravitate Hahahahahahaa." Then the next verse. "Yo, we gonna go ghost town,This motown, With your sound You're in the blink Gonna bite the dust Can't fight with us With your sound You kill the INC. So don't stop, get it, get it Until you jet ahead. Yo, watch the way I navigate Hahahahahhaa." Then they stopped singing and then 2-D sang "feel good" twice before motioning you to come to him and you both sang the last two "feel goods" together. Then the windmill part came and instead of it being silent 2-D said " we've been together for a long time and it's about time I say this and well I wouldn't have gotton the courage without noodle... And well you know the song you know the lyrics and you know what I'm about to ask... Just know that... I love you (f/n) pot..." He smiled and looked into your eyes. You didn't know what was going on but looked at him back. The grabbed the mic and sang "Windmill, windmill for the land. Turned forever hand in hand." He was now blushing looking like he was going to explode. "Take it all in on your stride" he stroked your hair and smiled. "It is ticking, falling down." He got down on one knee and sang "Love forever love is free Let's turn forever you and me" the music stopped. and he took the box with the ring out of his vest jacket thing. "(F/n) I've known you for a long time and well i finally want to ask you..." He opened the box "will you marry me?" You looked at him and started to cry and got the mic to your mouth and said "yes I will marry you." You said and hugged 2-D and he put the ring on you. Noodle was happy she was smiling russle was too but Murdoc he just had a straight face. You two got up and signed for the music to begin again. He sang the rest as he held your waist with his free arm. " Windmill, windmill for the land Is everybody in?" And most of the whole building yelled yes. Then you sang the rest with de la sol " Don't stop, shit it, get it We are your captains in it Steady, Watch me navigate, Ahahahahahhaa. Don't stop, shit it, get it We are your captains in it Steady,Watch me navigate Ahahahahahhaa." And you and 2-D took turns saying feel good and on the last one you both said feel good. 2-D smiled and said "thanks for coming out if your a VIP stay here so we can take you back stage!" He said "enjoy the rest of your night" you said.

-back at kong-

When you got to 2-Dsroom you just smothered him in kisses. "I love you so much Stuart pot!" You said "I love you so much too (f/n) pot. You two spent the night together kissing hugging, laughing and making love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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