Drift Away

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[g/p] = body part where gem is placed (gem placement)

[h/c] = hair color

[y/q] = the type of Quartz you are (it's also your name. Duh.)

[s/c] = skin color

[e/c] = eye color

Some of these might not be used.


You were light years away from Homeworld when your ship decided to malfunction. You had been on your way to a planet called "Earth", where you heard a resistance against the Diamonds had started up. And with the army so focused on Rose Quartz and her band of rogues, you had taken the chance to slip away in a tiny cruiser.

Your plan was to get as far away from Homeworld as possible and make a life of your own, but, judging by the way your pod was screaming at you and producing a bright red light, the plan had failed.

All you could do was wait and brace yourself for impact.

The weed covered ground rushed up to meet you, and then- you saw nothing.


Your return to consciousness was slow, and not at all like the sudden poof of sights and sounds that bombard you after reforming. Your limbs tingle in a strange way and the area around your [g/p] pulses uncomfortably.

You sit up with a groan, tangled [h/c] hair spilling over your eyes. You aggressively force the strands away from your face with a huff, pushing yourself out of the wrecked pilot seat.

You stumble to the exit of the ship, reorienting yourself as you get exposed to the unexpected air on this, a plant covered rock in the middle of space.

You blink in brief confusion before glancing around and noticing very familiar architecture.

"Great," you mutter under your breath, "a minnie colony."

You sneer down at a grayish, washed out vine as it attempts to curl around your ankle.

"And a very neglected one at that." You huff, drawing up your leg and bringing it firmly back down on the weed, grinding it into the stone.

You revel briefly in the tiny murder you committed before fully focusing on your surroundings.

A small breeze ruffles your hair; it carries a faint scent of roses. The endless expanse of space stretches before you, only a few feet away.

And then you hear it. The sound of humming.

You turn slowly, eyebrows creased. In the distance you see an overgrown warp pad, and next to it... Was that... a gem?

You crouch, trying ineffectively to hide behind a piece of metal that had torn from your ship. Your large form was decidedly not made for stealth missions.

You stare at the gem, wondering if she had seen you. You were prepared for any confrontation.

But the gem didn't move. She continued to hum a tune you'd never heard before.

Eventually, you decide that she hadn't spotted you, and you move forward cautiously.

Closer and closer, until-

The gem gasped, finally moving. She spun around suddenly, a grin on her face.

"Pink?! Is that-" she freezes, her expression immediately dropping. "...you. Oh." She visibly deflates, shoulders hunching. "Sorry," she mumbles, "Thought you were someone else."

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