Three's Company

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Hi guys! Thanks to a prompt from a Swan Queen fanfiction page, this delicious little one-shot was born. Now this is set during season 7, only there is no Hook and no baby. So all of the season 7 characters are back in Storybrooke. Enjoy, and make sure to leave a review. :)


Emma Swan was bad at a lot of things. She was good at things too, but more often she failed at the things she tried at. Karate: ended up with a broken foot. Art: ruined her favorite pair of pants with blobs on a canvas to show for it. Cooking: literally almost burnt her kitchen down, several times. So it was safe to say Emma stuck to what she was good at, which was playing video games, working on cars, and being the Savior.

Being the town hero didn't come without its own challenges and setbacks, though. Emma had to stay physically fit, she had to prepare for any outsider attacks, and she had to sacrifice herself without question. The job description was a bit of a bitch, but it was one she couldn't refuse. The Savior was born of True Love, and with that came magic. The one thing Emma failed at miserably.

For 4 years, Emma had worked tirelessly two and three times a week to learn her craft. And it seemed there were more fails than successes. Regina had been her teacher, which she was thankful for, but that also meant no slacking. Screw up once, fine. Screw up twice, better not again. By now, Emma was sure Regina had suppressed the urge to throw a fireball to her face too many times. Henry had been her main supporter, always confident that she could succeed and be the best savior she could be.

Then, Henry had left home and Regina followed, both breaking Emma's hearts as they disappeared for over a year. They had been swallowed up by another curse, stripped of their identities and given new memories. When the finally broke the curse and returned back home to Storybrooke, Henry was no longer a little boy. He was a grown man with a wife and family of his own. Regina was distant, and Emma respected her space. But that also made her very lonely.

She missed the fights between her and Regina; sometimes physical, always sexual, whether that be intentional or not. She missed the early morning breakfasts at Granny's, the dinners with her and Henry, the occasional adult nights where they would drink too much and pass out in the same bed. It was safe to say Emma had been in love with Regina for over 6 years. She was her best friend. She wanted her back. So, came the brilliant plan.

Emma flipped through a magical spell book in Regina's vault, chewing on her bottom lip as she tried to remember the spell she had been taught long ago. "Well if everything wasn't in god damn elfish..." she muttered as she flipped another page. "Oh here it is! Bonding spell."

The spell called for a strand of hair from the person with whom she was to bond with, a pinch of ginger root, a sprinkle of toadstool, and a dash of fairy dust. Emma looked through the varying jars to find what she needed, a mildly disgusted look on her face. There were things that even a normal human witch wouldn't touch, let alone a supernatural one.

Emma gathered her things together, shrugging out of her red leather jacket as she knew there was bound to be fire involved, especially with her being the one performing the spell. She added the first 3 ingredients carefully, then became captivated by the glittering, shining blue fairy dust that seemed to be calling her name.

"Just a dash. How much is a dash?" Emma asked herself as she tilted the jar toward the boiling cauldron. She shrugged. "It's fairy dust. How harmful can it be? Oops!" Emma cursed inwardly as she slipped and the whole jar fell in.

Immediately, the concoction began to boil, hissing and steaming audibly. Emma backed away, preparing herself for the explosion that was no doubt bound to happen. The noise became louder and louder until the potion suddenly exploded, blinding Emma with a bright blue flash.

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