A snake with peculiar gray markings slithered across the forest floor, looking for a soldier.The troops just finished fighting off an ambush, and they're all spread out across the forest, which explains why Wilbur Alden bled profusely from his wounds right next to his fallen comrade without help in sight. 'Damn, those guys from Rimedoleon really is relentless,' he wondered, slithering closer to Wilbur. He looked like he need medical attention, but hey, Gray's not much of a doctor himself, but any other idiot could obviously tell that Wilbur needs immediate medical attention. He's bleeding, dude. Too obvious.
The amount of bullet wounds would probably distract the medics from finding a snake bite near his foot. Again, one of the many phenomenal ideas produced by Gray's remaining 1 braincell. This guy's skin is pretty tough. In fact, it's been as tough as a diamond, sometimes malleable like rubber, sometimes just liquid. It's pretty comical to see a bad guy completely stumped when they saw a 6'5", big dude made entirely of rubber. It's gotten him away on several occasions. He's pretty good at it, actually. Meanwhile, Gray needs to constantly deny his eldest son Adam's claims that he's a 'furry' or something. Apparently they wear 'fur suits' that matches their 'fursona', which is tons of bullshit if you ask him. Where is this kid even learning these things? Glad it haven't reached Zach and Kat, otherwise he cannot even imagine the childish accusations that he's a 'furry'. He turns into animals, not materialize some lame anatomically inaccurate costume for roleplays. So lame.
Gray bit down hard enough to pierce Wilbur's skin and immediately injected venom into his bloodstreams. Luckily for him, all Tealous (except the leader, who'll have to kill them later) loses their power after surviving The Challenge, making it easier for Gray to bite down without being stopped by diamond skin or whatever. He tried not to flinch (can snakes actually flinch?) when Wilbur cried out using whatever energy he still had. 'Sorry, my friend, but a will is a will,' he apologized in his heart. Snakes can't talk, unfortunately. As he quickly made his getaway, he could've sworn he heard Wilbur softly gasped "Gray?". It almost made his heart sank. Almost.
Hopefully, the medics wouldn't rule out a snake bite as the main cause of death. Wilbur's suffered fatal injuries, and in a way, he was really speeding up his inevitable death to avoid prolonging his suffering. So, good thing? He's not really sure. Spectruma mourns for the loss of their brave soldiers. His wife, Elaine and their son, Frederick clutches his bloodstained uniform. Everyone who knew Wilbur mourns his loss, especially Gray, since he and Wilbur were childhood friends. But now, he has to kill one last person. Goddammit, he knew he should've murdered her right after they walk out from the court.
a/n: i have nothing against furries, gray does. im giving permission for yall to beat his ass