teal 3

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A gray pigeon perched on a electric cable, waiting for a particular car to pass.

He wasn't planning on shitting on it, of course. That kind of stuff is for amateur pigeons who eat pebbles off the ground. No, he's planning on something else. He's going to murder the passengers of that car. Or at least, the driver. That's his actual target. Camille Estella, ever the brightest Teal among them. Always optimistic during the darkest hours. While Gray isn't quite open to positivity all the time, he greatly admires Camille's determination and spirit. She was the team's heart- without her, they would've succumbed into their pessimistic ways and perished under their grim ideals. Had it not been for her, he would've lead them towards destruction. Hell, they might not even get to fight Sapphire.

As he observed the cars passing by, another random pigeon perched next to him. He didn't hesitate to bump him off the cable. Pigeons really don't have regards for personal space.

Camille's car passed by as the pigeon flew away.

'Curse those damn pigeons', he thought as he chased the car from above. The plan was simple: fly in front of her car, and hopefully, she'll lose control and crash. It sounds dumb, but that's the least cruel plan he had. He couldn't quite bring himself to directly murder her, so he decided that indirectly causing an accident would suffice. It still technically counts, since he's sort of involved in it in a way.

He flapped his wings faster until he's in front of the car from above. Now all he has to do is dive. But pigeons aren't really good at diving, right? This is ridiculous. He should've taught of a better bird to transform into. What kind of bird is good at diving? Swallows? 'Yeah swallow's good enough,' he decided using his remaining braincell. He turned into a swallow mid-air and immediately dove. He landed right in front of the car, squarely smacked on the windshield, surprising Camille and, as planned, causing her to lose control. He was glued onto the windshield as the car spun wildly, and his particularly gray feathers must've been the cause of Camille to scream "GRAY???" from inside the car. He attempted to escape, succeeded, and hurled onto the curbs before he got up just in time to see the car colliding with a tree. The car was wrecked badly, and he couldn't ever bring his heart to fly there and check the scene.

The next day, he found out from the newspapers that the crash not only killed Camille, but her 10-years-old eldest daughter Ellina as well, leaving her husband and Ellina's 7-year-old sister, Emilla. Unwanted casualty, but hey, shit happens sometimes. So David, Carol, and Camille's out. Which leaves Wilbur and Hazel. He's not really thinking of seeing Hazel anytime soon given that they're recently divorced, so that means Wilbur's next. Where was he sent to, again?

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