Chapter 1

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Junior Year. New Year. New School. I hate being a new kid. But, I’ve moved around so many times I kind of just get used to it. My mom is a traveling doctor. I have lived in Florida, New York, China, Egypt, I mean anywhere you name, and I’ve probably lived there. I could’ve just moved in with my dad. But what fun would that have been? I can’t stand his wife Paige. And she can’t stand me. My mom said this move is the final move and that we were gonna be residing in Pasadena. Getting on that plane from New York to California I know is gonna be a drag, but I have to do what I have to do. I’m a quiet person when it comes to certain things. My sister August on the other hand, is not. She loves to talk and become the center of attention. She’s only 15 and has the brains of Einstein. She plays basketball, and softball. Me on the other hand, I stay home with my mother and other little sister Blair. I love being home. I guess it’s because I don’t have very many friends. Yeah, that’s it.

“Carter, the plane landed.” My mother said shaking me. I looked around the plane to see that it was half empty. I sighed and stood up to stretch a little. That 9 hour flight had me feeling all types of jet lag. I grabbed my tote bag from the top compartment and walked off the plane with my mother following suit. “Where’s August and Blair?” I asked as we made our way inside the airport.

“August took her to the bathroom. And then she said she was gonna go to baggage claim.” I nodded my head and made my over to the baggage claim. I stood there for about 15 minutes when saw our bags. I quickly grabbed them and looked around when I spotted August walking up to me. “I thought you were coming over here. What the hell took you so long?” I asked clearly attitude laced in my voice.

“Chill Carter. I was getting some snacks. Look” She said holding up a bag of Lays chips and a Snickers. I rolled my eyes. “Whatever can you just help me please?” She nodded her head then proceeded to help me. We had at least 12 freaking bags. How the hell they expected me to grab them all? Once we were done, we rolled the bags over to where my mother and little sister were sitting. “Hey mom, thanks for helping. You know we really appreciate it.” I said rolling my eyes. She started to laugh a little. “Sorry sweeties, I was just trying to call the rental car place. Our car should be here in five minutes so let’s go to the front.” I nodded my head and grabbed a few bags to walk outside with.

Walking outside those doors, the warm air hit my skin. This was nothing like New York. It was snowing and just all around cold. I mean, we are in the middle of November. I smiled to myself. I’ve always wanted to live in this part of Cali. I’ve only lived in northern Cali, in like the San Francisco area. “Okay, that should be our car.” My mom said nodding her head in approval. It was a 2013 range rover sport. Pretty cool I guess. Not my type of car though. I shrugged and walked over to the car and proceeded to put the bags inside.

“Carter, not so rough. I might actually want to buy this car.” My said half-jokingly and half serious. I rolled my eyes and continued to put the bags inside. “Yeah right mom, you wouldn’t buy this piece of shit.” I said laughing. My mom laughing along with me and said some words under her breath. My mom can be weird sometimes. After getting everything in the car, I made my way to the front seat only to hear Augusts’ voice booming behind me. “Uh, no Carter. I get the front cause you got the window seat on the plane.” I rolled my eyes and remembered our little deal. I hopped in the backseat and instantly put a smile on my face.

“Hey Blair” I said leaning over and kissing her puffy cheeks.

“Hi Car.” She said blushing and reaching for my hand. I smiled at her as she held my hand. My little sister is the cutest little button ever. My mother and father thought they could make it work after her but I guess not. They always fought over nonsense and it would always scare Blair. She would always run to me when they would fight. She would lay with me until one of them came and got her from my room. But that was 3 years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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