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There was something incredible about to happen in the rock valley. Everyone could feel it and everyone was anxious. It was the picking season for the Banda warriors school. It was not just a school but a magical school for the Banda people.
            Deep down the village, a young Shepard was running fast and panting wildly towards home. He burst into the front door into a room where her sister and mother were pounding pods of beans. "Did you hear the three trumpets?",shouted the boy with his eyes wide open in utter anxiety.
In Banda culture,the trumpet was sounded once for the death of a Roku, which was the name to refer a magical warrior, twice meant a sign from the gods, thrice meant that the Banda school was going to take in new students which didn't happen much often, the last time it happened was 4 years ago, four times meant war and five meant evacuation.
" Yes, we did." Replied  his mom. " You didn't leave the goats up the hill, did you?",her mother asked with a stinging eye.The boy changed his looks from excited to horrified in an instant," boru!!" She shouted as boru turned back and started running back to the hill. He had been too excited by the trumpets that nothing more was more important to him.
The sun was sinking slowly and boru started leading the skip of goats back down the hill back home. It was a really cold time of the year and the mornings and evenings really represented the cold season very well. His teeth were chattering and he could not see well due to the fog. It was such a relief that the goats always knew where they were going and they had gone a far distance away from him.
The valley was such a peacefull place at night and boru could hear his feet crunching through dry leaves as he approached the streets of konal where he stayed. He suddenly bumped into someone and fell down. The person offered a hand to help him up and he took it. On a closer look on who it was, he took two steps back "Jambire!",Boru exclaimed. He was the leader of the conzo warriors group. The valley had three clans. The conzo who could controll rain and use thunder as a weapon,the Mila could controll plants and even communicate with them and the hola controlled animals. Boru belonged to the Mila.
Jambire was literary a legend in the valley. He had fought alot of wars for Banda. He was a well built man with neatly shaved hair. On his chest, he had  two live tattoos of a Panthers tooth. Which literary meant sticking real leopard tooth on his chest which need I not say was a great honour given that getting one was really hard. The elders initiated such a ceremony in the coko forest.
" Hey kid watch it next time", said Jambire. He left almost instantly without saying anything more.  Boru was star struck for a while before he moved along towards home.
At home, his farther had come. A rather small bodied man with lots of unkempt hair and almost a round beard. He was a senior Mila elder and had just come from the koto farms. The Mila people mostly used their talents to grow the best types of vegetables for the whole valley. They were also the herbalists and knew different ways to treat different diseases.
To be able to controll plants, it took a great deal of dedication .And not every Mila could be a "medicine man" ,a term used to refer Mila men that could actually controll plants. "Rain men" for the conzo and "beasts" for the hola
Only people with their inner power were allowed into the academy to practice there craft. The picking ceremony was to determine who actually had his ancestor's powers within him. Not everyone had this powers though. They were called common men.
The next day was probably the most awaited day for every youth in the valley. Boru's mother sat quietly on the end of the sitting are, making herself busy as usual as she took periodic glances at her son. Every mother has a fear for her kin and that is pain for her child. She didn't actually care if Boru qualified for the academy, she just wanted him to be happy and she knew how much it meant for him.
Boru had been herding all his life. At least for the 16 years he had been walking. This was almost the exact same routine for all children in the valley. When one reaches the initiation age he either gets accepted in the academy or undergoes "the cleansing" into adulthood.
Boru had grown up with Hindu,his best friend. He was from the  hola and they usually grazed the goats together  though he hadn't seen him that day. Boru wondered if Hindu would be chosen into the academy the next day.
Boru kept on turning on his bed. Food was served and everyone started eating. His young sister started telling their farther different stories from the day. Boru found it hard to communicate with his farther unlike his young sister. Wich was not the case with his mom
  Mom served us matooke and meat. A finger licking delicacy all over the valley.  It was raw bananas cooked and pounded together always eaten together with stew. Everyone dug in and within a short time everyone was headed to their bed."Boru" his farther called, " no matter what, am proud of you". Boru smiled coz that meant the world to him and his farther never said anything like that to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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