Hello :D
It's Sarah everyone, from @ButAngelsCanFly
As you would know, I am not a very popular account : (
Maybe we can change that ;D
Lets see, on my other account I am writing a book full of quotes at the moment.
So many people have read them, but no votes? No comments? No followers added?
I will write a story, and actually finish it! Right?
Here's what I need if I am going to finish something I start.
I need motivation. People who want to be in the story. People who want to comment/read/vote.
I need people to message/comment to me some ideas of chapter names, charector names, story names.
I need people to comment/message me ideas for what could happen in the story.
Who knows... I might just take your advice. I do need it : /
Thank you to those who do what I need, you are the bomb :p