The prince who feels different

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Once upon a time in a not so far off kingdom there was a boy. And the one thing he wanted most in his life was to be like other boys.
  Which in some ways he was. He had great parents James and Linda Reynolds who ruled the kingdom together.  He loved playing basket ball and playing music. He had a great group of friends, most of which enjoyed the things he did, but it felt like to him that one thing set him aside, he was gay.
  Now I know what you're thinking being gay isn't such a big deal. Okay this might have been different for some of his classmates but Remi was the only heir of the kingdom of Alliance, and he was next in line for the throne.

  It was the start of a new school year and Remi was exited to see his friends again after a long summer of
playing sports, and hard work including extra studying that his father put him through.  His father was very hard on him as Remi is his only son, and the only heir to the throne.
  On the way there he met up with his friend Jessica the only person he'd managed to mutter the words "I'm gay " to. When he sees her he remembers the words they exchanged when he came out to her.
" So have you told your parents yet" she had asked him.
"No I haven't, you know how they are. It seems they've set my whole life out for me and being gay is not in the cards"  he told her.
" that sucks, I'm sorry" she emphasized with him.
" do you think you'd ever come out to them, when the time comes, when your ready?"she added
" I don't know, it's not like I'd ever find love anyways" he said.
" don't say that, you're the kindest,  bravest, most caring person I know. Anyone would be lucky to have you" she reassured him.
" thanks Jess. It's just..." he hesitated.
"Come on you can tell me anything" she said
" it's just there's never been a gay prince before, let alone a gay king."
"Well then be then be that prince, that king you've always wanted yourself to see do it for all of those other queer kids out there" jess told him.
"I will, that's my destiny, I'm just scared". he said

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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