o n e s h o t

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Happy Birthday Yeontannieeeee!!!!!!! #KingYeontanDay I never wanted to be a dog since I met you and other pets if Bangtan welp.

Third person's POV

It was Christmast time. Taehyung waited for Jungkook to come home.

Yeontan walked around, waiting for Kook. Taehyung only gave Yeontan some funny faces, which was ignored by the dog.

Tae rolled his eyes and just continued scrolling through his phone.

He was kind nervous about it cause Jungkook was becoming a little bit of distant lately.

And he's afraid that Jungkook will break him. On Christmas day.

He stood up from the couch when he heard Kook's car.

He opened the door and greeted the younger.

"Merry Christmas, Kookie." He said while smiling. Kook entered the house and kissed Taehyung on his lips.

Yeontan jumped on Kook and starts licking him.

"H-hey stop it." Jungkook said. Yeontan jumped out of Jungkook's arms and ran around the house.

They walked to the table that has a lot of food.

"Kook, shall we eat later? I'm a little bit full...I ate earlier. " Tae said, a little bit embarrassed.

Kook chuckled and ruffled Taehyung's hair.

"Of course, baby. Let's go outside." He said then held Taehyung's hand and dragged him outside.


Kook smiled and hugged Taehyung. He started giving butterfly kisses to Taehyung's neck.

Omg. Is this goodbye kiss? Goodbye hug? Fuck. I don't want to be broken in Christmas.


"Tae, Baby, you're the most precious person I've ever met. Since my parents gave me up for adoption, I always felt blue. But you approached me and trust me, I never felt like that with anyone."

"I am happy that you chose to be my friend. I am happy that you are my boyfriend. And if I was asked to chose between you or everything that I wanted, I would still choose you."


"Why? Cause you are my everything. You're the one who took care of me. You're the one that showered me with all of you love. You're the one who motivated me when I wanted to end my life."

"You gave me a reason to live again. And sometimes, we would get into small fights. I am sorry about it. And also, thank you for understanding me when I went shit."


"Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for fighting for me when everyone went against us. Thank you for staying strong for me. For taking care of me."

"Thank you for bearing everything with me. Thank you for staying. And I won't promise, because I will do it. I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you. So Kim Taehyung, Taetae, Baby..."

Shit he's gonna break up with me...


He slowly knelt down with one knee, took out a black box.

"Kim Taehyung, will you marry me?" He asked.

Taehyung gasped and started to cry harder.

H-he proposed? He proposed to me?

He looked down on his shoe and stated sobbing.

Jungkook panicked and stood up to check the older.

"Baby, are you okay?!" He said then hugged the younger.

"K-kookie..." he called. He tried to breathe properly and speak, but he was too overwhelmed.

"Y-yes?" The younger answered, a bit nervous cause he thinks that Taehyung will say no.





"I won't take no as an answer. I love you Jungkook and I will always will. Yes , I will marry you." He said then sobbed real harder.

Kook gasped  and put the ring on Taehyung's finger and kissed it.

Kook stood up and connected their foreheads together. Both crying out of happiness.

"Jeon Jungkook, I love you and I will always will. Don't forget that. I'm ready to Jeon Taehyung." He stopped talking cause he cried.

"I love you, too. And I will always will. I will make you my queen and I'll be you king."

Yeontan suddenly barked and ran to them.

They both laughed and picked Yeontan and peck the dog.

"Me and Kookie are gonna be married now. Tannie, isn't that exciting."

The dog barked.

"See? He also agrees" Jungkook low-key teased.


They kissed passionately and Yeontan only pretended to be asleep cause it was clearly not okay for him.

Bruh, he's just 2 years old y'all.

The end


So my ass legit wrote this unexpectedly because I was listening to "like I'm gonna lose you."

And this made me realize I'm really lonely.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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