Chapter one

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You know what's funny, how one thing can change you in an instant. How you can go from being a sweet kid to one who drinks,smokes, and gets involved with gangs. How you can go from being happy to being numb. Where the only thing that makes you feel alive is pain. It's funny how broken we all are. 

"Cameron, can you serve my table? I have to go pick up Maya" Cassie asked,'' she's one of the only friends I have made working here."Yeah I can use the hours anyway" I said thinking of how I could use the money to buy more cigarettes. She nodded and left. "Hey my name is Cameron and I'll be your server today" the two boys looked up "Um can I get some hot cocoa" the boy on the left asked. He was cute, he was a small kid, he had brownish blond hair and freckles and two beautiful brown eyes. "Yes and you" I politely asked the other boy "Yeah uh can I get a different waiter" he spat out "Max be nice" the smaller boy let out "May I ask why" I said with a glare.

"You keep loking at my bestfriend and he's not gay" he let out harshley "Fuck you i wasn't cheacking him out I am doing my job which is to take orders and bring them back" my boss came out quick adn asked me to wait in the back. "You're fired I am sorry Cameron '' I took off my apron  and dropped it on her chair.

I walked out and grabbed a cigarette from the pack I had and I lit it. I leaned against the wall and took a long drag from it. "Um excuse me I am sorry about my friend Max" the cute boy from earlier let out "It's fine" i said while taking another drag off my cigarette "Why do you smoke" he questioned "To escape" was all I said he nodded. 

"So what's your name" I questioned "Keegan" I nodded "Cute" he blushed "t-thanks" I nodded. "Can I take you out to lunch to make up for Max being an asshole to you" the cute boy asked. Standing up I think he's about 5’5 he looks even better standing up by me I’m 5' 9 so you can just imagine the height difference. “So is that a yes?” The handsome boy asked, knocking me out of the daze I was in. “Yeah why not” I said while taking one last puff off my cigarette.

“So where to big guy” Keegan asked while looking up his eyes screamed innocent I knew this would have to be a one time thing. I can’t let this boy get caught up in my messy life. I don’t want him to get hurt. Even though we just  met I feel the need to Protect him with everything in. “Um how about we go to Carrie's cafe” he nodded and we continued to walk in silence. Keegan accidentally bumped my hand with his. This was the perfect time to make a joke. I need to see where he stands.  

“Careful Keegs I might think you're trying to hold my hand” I laughed a little when I watched him get all red in the face. “Um sorry Cameron” he was starting to get all shy. I gave him a little shoulder bump “Hey i’m not complaining but then again I am gay and do think you are cute” I said while laughing and sending him a little wink. He let out a little laugh “Hey Cameron can I tell you something and it be like our secret” I nodded very curious of what this boy would tell me “I’m gay to” it was like we planned this conversation because we both just laughed. 

“Looks like we're here Keegs” I said stopping in front of a cafe that was busy but not too busy it was perfect. We both went in and instantly got sat at a booth by the window. “So Cameron, how old are you?” Keegan was full of questions. I hate when people ask questions. I just hope he doesn’t ask alot. “I’m 18 and what about you Keeg'' he looked down “ I’m 17.” I nodded and the waitress quickly brought Keegan his omelet and my pancakes.

We ate all of our food in silence after we were finished we just walked around for hours and talked about literally anything that was dumb. “Well Keegs I should get going I have to do some stuff and my mom is having a special dinner tonight." The little boy nodded, I started to walk away when I heard that faint little shout. "Wait I need your number or something" he said while out of breath due to him running to catch up with me. "Keegs if you see me you see me but you dont want me in your life I promise." With that I left. I felt bad the poor boy was looking down had saddness all over his face.

I'll tell you the story why I'm afraid to let people in though so you don't think I am to heartless.


April 3 2016

I was 16  I was in a dark place my dad died my mom had shut me out I was lost. I did what any other teenage kid does I partied. One night however I got caught up in the wrong crowed and let's just say the men weren't exactly nice. They beat me, rapped me and just did anything to destroy whatever confidence I had left. Luca however he saved me from them, but not without a little price to pay. He took me in when I could not take care of myself he cheacked my mom in to rehab to get some help. His only requests were I went school and joned his gang and at that time I thought gangs were cool I never looked deeper into the bigger picture. I will forever be greatful for him but I wish I wasn't so weak but it's okay.

That is why I don't want to get involved with Keegan I don´t want keegs to get caught up in this lifestyle it woulndt be fair.

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