They're All Lies

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Everyone thinks that the Todoroki family is perfect. They have money, power, and fame. They think everyone in their family is happy and loves each other, but that's a lie. The Todoroki's are far from happy and the children hate their father.

Everyone thinks Todoroki Enji is a great hero. They think he's kind and loving towards his family. They think he's selfless and wants to truly help people. They're wrong. Todoroki Enji is a cruel, cold, and abusive man. He only cares about himself and making himself more famous than his rival. He "trains" his children to become better than him, not caring if they're hurt in the process. He also hurts his wife if she gets in the way of his "training".

Everyone thinks Todoroki Rei is happy. They think she's overjoyed to be married to the Number 2 Hero. They think she loves her kids and is healthy and sane. They're partially correct. She does love her kids but every time she sees Touya and Shouto she's terrified. They look so much like their father, the man that abuses her kids and her, that she couldn't take it anymore and injured her youngest son, Shouto. She hates Enji and would be more than happy if he died or never appeared before her again. She hates him for what he indirectly made her do to her own child. She hates him so much she went crazy and had to be put in a mental institution.

Everyone thinks Todoroki Touya died when he was young. They thought that before he died he would have loved to become a hero. They thought he would have wanted to be just like his father, whom he resembles so much. They couldn't be further from the truth. He didn't die when he was young, he ran away from that hellhole he called home. Sure, there were some good points about that house, like his siblings and his mom, but, he hated his father too much to live there anymore. He hated what he, his younger brother, and his mother had to go through because of Enji. He hates how scarred his skin is because of his " training". He hates how he has to cover his arms, legs, face, back, and chest just so he doesn't scare anyone while he's in public. He hated how his father ruined his and his family's life. He hated him so much that he dyed his red hair, which he inherited from his father, black, changed his name, and became a villain. He started to follow the philosophy that Heroes never did anything to be good; they just did it for materialistic reasons like money, power, or fame, just like his father. 

Everyone thinks Todoroki Fuyumi is very loved. They think that Enji most likely dotes on her because she is his only daughter. Who knows where they came up with that one. Her whole life Fuyumi has been neglected by her father. She doesn't have any particular emotions towards her father because she never spent any time with him compared to Touya or Shouto. Natsuo spent just as much time as her with Enji and he still hates him more than Fuyumi does. Though, it's true that she is very loved by her mother.

Everyone thinks Todoroki Natsuo is a ball of sunshine. He's always happy, laughing, smiling, or just having fun. They think he's too happy to ever get angry or have any negative emotions like that. That's the biggest lie of the century. He is so angry at his father that angry doesn't even begin to cover it. He hates Enji. He hates how his younger brother is a stranger to him because of Enji. He hates how his father deemed him and his older brother failures, and how he hurt his mom and brothers. He hates Enji so much he can't stand to be in the same room as him, let alone the same house. Instead, he decided to move out and live in a dorm at the college he studies in.

Everyone thinks Todoroki Shouto is the perfect child. They think he grew up loved and happy with his siblings. Some people sure know how to spin a tale. He despises his father for what he did to him and his mom. He doesn't hate Enji for what he did to his older brother because, well, he never really knew him. He grew up isolated from his older siblings as a child because his father didn't want him to "turn out a failure like his older brothers." He grew up without any love from anyone because his mother went crazy and scarred him when he was only 4 years old. He hates Enji so much he wants to "reject his father completely" by not fighting the way his father taught him to, instead, only fighting the way his mother used to. He hates Enji for making him a stranger to his own siblings. He hates his father for depriving him of a normal childhood and destroying his social skills.

Everyone thinks that the Todoroki family is perfect but they couldn't be further from the truth. They are all broken and torn apart.

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