Chapter 1

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The world has been divided by war. Peace and prosperity have been sacrificed for power and supremacy. The balance of power between powerful countries was broken due to the sudden discovery of Extra Sensory Perception or ESP. A strange ability that any normal human can't possibly have.

"Left, right. . . left. . . left. . . left, right, left."

Synchronized heavy footsteps of marching soldiers could be heard, echoing all over the place. They're marching under the hot scorching sun, equipped with their thick dark brown baggy uniform and heavy military boots. They're all sweaty and their throats were starting to get dried up, but they have to endure it until their commander says that they can rest. All soldiers of the army were continuously on high-alert while the world is in the state of war and chaos.

"Squad . . . halt!" All soldiers halted from marching when they heard the command. They stood-up straight until their commander commands, "Left Face!"

The soldiers turned to their left and then proceeds to the position of attention. They always make sure that they are properly aligned before their commanding officer checks their formation.

"Present, Arms!"

Upon hearing the order of their commander, all soldiers salute to their commander with their fingers extended and joined with their thumbs, raised their arms, and placed their middle finger to the corner of their eyebrows. They stayed in that position until their commander ordered, "Order, Arms!"

The soldiers then quickly lowered their arm, the way how it was raised. All of them were ready to listen for their commander's next command when suddenly a high ranking officer arrived. His rank is indicated on the shoulder mark and on his uniform's collar. It has an eagle-shaped symbol indicating that he is a Colonel. His uniform is slightly different than the esper soldiers. He is wearing a brown overcoat and a garrison cap.

"Listen, everyone! I have a very special message of encouragement from our President," he spoke in his low and deep monotonous voice. It has some raspiness on it. "We have to win this war! Always bear in mind that we are fighting for peace, for the sake of our country, and for the lives of our family."

"Sir, yes, sir!" the soldiers answered in unison. Despite what they have answered, in their mind, they know that those were not the real reason why they are mixed up fighting on a meaningless war. The war they were fighting is full of nonsense struggle for supremacy over other countries.

"Colonel Hutchinson," A young soldier with spiky short blonde hair and bright golden yellow eyes, arrived. He has eyebrows that are shaped like a lightning bolt. He's also wearing a dark brown colored buggy army uniform like the other low ranking esper officers of the army. He saluted to the Colonel standing in front of him. His initials, "A. Armstrong" were indicated on his uniform.

 Armstrong" were indicated on his uniform

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