Chapter One

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I am going to leave this pack, today. After many secret discussions with my Alpha, we decided today was the day. I was saying goodbye to my abusive family, I was saying goodbye to my bullies and I was saying goodbye to my old life. I hated my pack expect my Alpha, he helped me through harsh times yet never stopped the abuse because he was scared they would fight back. I was the punching bag in the Shadow pack and they liked that. I was going to start a fresh new life in the human territory where I would get a proper education and have a job. I wanted to leave my werewolf life behind but that's hard when you have a wolf attached to you. 

My parents were out with my neighbours and their children, Of course they didn't take me, I'm a disgrace. I packed my clothes which were given to me from the Alpha. My parents never brought me anything. This was the reason why my bedroom was still pink and had Disney princess posters covering the walls. My Alpha, my saviour, brought my clothes, brought my phone, gave me money to buy food. He was like my father. Alpha Hayes taught me everything after being banished to go to school at the age of 14. He taught me maths, science, english, werewolf history and modern day werewolf. I was most interested about science which is what I would like to get a degree in. I never had believed it until today. I was actually leaving. My phone beeped it was from him 

You must leave now, I have taken in the guards for a 20 mins meeting, go Lana and stay safe my darling, never forget I love you as my daughter no matter who you are 

I swore to him I would not cry at this moment, but it was so hard. He was the one who kept me alive and now I had to leave him. I frantically replied 

Thank you Alpha Hayes for everything, you were my real father, I love you too. Goodbye x

I took out the sim out of my Nokia phone and snapped it in half. I wanted no one to track me. I grabbed my bag and jumped out of my window into my back yard. I recited the direction the Alpha gave me to get out of the territory without anyone knowing. As I lived quite near the border, I could pass a few streets before exiting the territory. I was scared to do this; my mind would wonder if someone saw me. But it was over 9pm everyone was asleep or out. Anyway, what would they do to me, beat me up? I was quite used to that. 

I stood at the edge of the border, staring at the land in front of me. There lied horrible werewolves who took advantage of me. I was expecting a better life out of the hellhole; no I am expecting a better life. Turning around, I started to walk into the depths of the forest; I was now an official rouge. It was dark and cold but it was far better than what I had been living in before. 

Setting out at night was probably a bad idea however if I wanted to go without anybody noticing, it was my only chance. I had to at least walk 100 miles out from my original destination - which would take a car 2 hours. I also had to be cautious of what land I was walking on. If I step on claimed land, I would die especially since I am a wolf without a pack. After walking for what seemed 5 hours I decided it was time to stop and sleep. I could feel the blisters starting to form on my foot. My ragged 15 year old shoes did not help this seeing as my foot has grown since then. A fairly large tree kept me company and shelter whilst I sat and attempted to take off the tight shoes. Once they were off, I felt a sigh of relief. I was alive, not on anyone's land and away from the shadow pact. I opened my backpack which held my clothes, money stolen from my dad and some from the Alpha, toilet roll, some pads, canned food, a water bottle and my blanket. It was a lot but attempting to get to human land would at least take 4 days. Longer if I have to dodge claimed lands. I started to get comfy with blanket but it was impossible to sleep. I started to think about the last discussion me and Alpha Hayes had. It was along the lines of how to stay safe whilst being a rouge. He told me the differences between claimed and unclaimed land which can be spotted by the scent of the place. If I found myself on claimed land, I would have to run and get out of it fast but if I was caught, I would be fine as women and children tend to be let off. However he warned me one pact who would not let me off if they found me on their land, they were called the Sacred pact. Even now, the name gave me shivers. Run by a ruthless Alpha, they had strict rules of killing those who are not welcomed in their pact. Nobody has ever declared war on them because they would win, nobody has ever attempted to kill their Alpha because they would slaughter him and nobody has lived passing their territory, because they are unforgiving. I remember Alpha Hayes laughing because he said 

"It's funny because the Alpha of that pact is only 24, yet I'm 51 and all the other Alpha's are older than him, yet we are still scared"

I started to feel tired and found myself snuggling up to my blanket which could only bring back good memories of when I was 5 years old and no one hated me. 

Waking up to the sound of bird calling and the smell of bark made me happy. I have never woken up happy since the age of 14, and it felt nice. By the sun shining so brightly I assumed it was mid-day. My stomach grumbled indicating its hunger, so I grabbed one of the tinned fruits and ate it like a pig. Making sure none of the food was wasted; I gulped the pineapple's juice. I practically killed two birds with one stone by eliminating my hunger and thirst. I felt re-energised so I decided to start my trek to my destination.

Walking for what seemed as 2 hours, my feet seemed to give up. The blisters covering my foot were bleeding and I felt my foot pulsing every time I took a step. I knew I was close to a another pack's land, but it was certain that I wasn't in it. I saw a river and steadily walked to. I sat down to remove my shoe and dipped my feet into the cool glistening water.

"Oh my fucking god" I moaned as the water massaged the sore spots. I cupped some water and splashed it onto my face. I had probably sat there for longer than I should have because I started to smell a scent that was growing stronger. It was hard to take my feet out but I had to otherwise I would get caught. I grabbed my bag and threw away my shoes, they were no use. Suddenly the scent was prominent but it was okay as I was not on any land, no one could harm me. However I still had to increase my average walking speed, what someone caught me? If they did anything to me, my new life would be over and I could possibly be dead. I was trying to walk away from the person yet they somehow kept up with me and I could now hear their footsteps.

"Stop there" a beaming voice echoed through the forest. I gasped and turned to see a bulky man standing 50 metres away from me. His face did not seem happy. "Who are you and why are you close to our land?" I didn't reply. I was too scared. No one in my old pack looked like this, this, this monster. "I said why were you close to our land?" His voice started to become louder and more forceful.

"I just wanted to stop here to rest" My voice squeaked out. His carried on staring at me as if I was his prey.

"You were spying on us" He accused.

"No, I promise. I have no pack, you se-" suddenly I saw him walk towards me. I panicked and put my bag in my mouth and run the opposite direction. My bones started tingle and my eyes blurred. I promised myself I would never go back to my wolf form, I promised myself that I would attempt to disconnect myself from my wolf. All my efforts to do that had gone to waste. I started to run as fast as I can through the forest. My paws were in pain but I couldn't stop. The man was now running behind me. I knew that he would catch; I have never been in a werewolf battle practice. But I kept going; I needed to have a new life. I didn't want to die!

The chase lasted a minute before the man grabbed me. Even in my wolf form, the human was still stronger than. I let out a whimper but that didn't change his opinion. He thought spying. He roughly placed his hands to my throat and whispered

"I am not that easy" he then pulled something out of his pocket. A sedative in an injection. He slowly placed it in the centre of my forehead and released the liquid. I returned into my naked body form and the last thing I remembered was his voice saying

"Night night my dead wolf"

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