Chapter 1

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Ella had been nearly adjusting to all the new customs the royal life had to offer, from going to lessons to wearing intensely tight corsets to learning to sit like a proper lady. She had to admit she hated it all. Prudence; the head of the castle, however, made it very clear to Ella that all of these rules she needed to follow were necessary for a young lady like herself to do so. She was Queen for crying out loud.

"Is it necessary that I carry three books on my head Prudence?" Ella asked as she walked back and forth around the royal living room.

"Well of course it is! Queens like yourself have to have the proper posture, you need to carry yourself with poise your majesty" Prudence said, "now head up straight!"

Ella flinched a bit and made the books fall off her head and onto the ground. "...sorry" she said softly.

Prudence rolled her eyes. "We'll pick it up from here tomorrow, now run along I've got better things to do."

Ella quickly nodded. She rushed out of the living room and onto one of the grand hallways the palace had to offer. She wondered where on Earth Kit was, she hadn't seen him all day. She sighed before going out into the gardens, it was such a pretty day out. She felt herself lucky for living in such a place, to even call the palace her home now though that wasn't what she was lucky for. Ella was just truly lucky to have such an amazing husband like Kit. He was kind, vulnerable, brave, and let's not forget charming and handsome, but above all kind. He was one of the kindest King's Araphalle had ever had, or so the people said.

Ella somehow managed to find her way over to the secret garden, a place only she and Kit knew about. She smiled as she walked inside, remembering the very first night Kit had brought her here, the night of the ball. She went and sat down on the swing and gently pushed herself with her feet. She hummed "Lavenders Blue" to herself *which she often did*.

"Such sweet singing, makes me want to tarry just a little" a familiar voice came from the secret garden doorway.

Ella gasped and looked over. "Oh gosh Kit! You nearly frightened the heavens out of me" she laughed.

Kit laughed and walked over to her. He was kind of sweaty from all the fencing practice he had just done. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you really" he giggled. He sat down next to her and smiled at her.

"I forgive you" she said softly before she leaned in and kissed his lips gently. She pulled away after a moment and looked at how sweaty he was. "Fencing?"

"Yeah, I actually beat the captain of the guard this time" Kit said.

"Oh Kit that's wonderful! You're becoming better and better as the days go by" Ella said. She cupped his cheek, "I'm proud of you."

Kit smiled. "Thanks" He said softly before looking into her eyes. "Did I ever tell you how lucky I am to have you in my life? To call you mine?"

Ella blushed. "Kit, you always say that" she giggled.

"I know but I mean it Ella, I really do" he said. "You're everything I ever dreamed of."

"Likewise" she smiled. "...I love you."

Kit cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply before slowly pulling away. "I love you too" he whispered.

She was taken away by the kiss, his kisses always enchanted her to say the least. She smiled when he said he loved her back. "Now you need to go shower while I'll go help the servants set the table for dinner" she said.

Kit grinned, "very well...on one condition" Kit began.

Ella tilted her head. "Which is?"

"You read me a bit of Mister Shakespeare's work before bed" Kit said.

Ella smiled before giggling. She nodded. "Deal."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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